Informe de experiencia preprofesional en un programa de promoción de la salud de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal describir y reflexionar sobre el logro de
cada una de las competencias profesionales durante el periodo de prácticas en un
programa de promoción de la salud realizado dentro de una universidad privada de Lima
Metropolitana. Por tanto, se adjunta información vinculada a los ejes de Diagnostica,
Interviene y Evalúa en los que se describen las funciones desarrolladas.
Respondiendo a la competencia de Diagnostica se aplicó una encuesta cuantitativa con el
fin obtener información sobre las características vinculadas con la salud y el bienestar de
los(as) estudiantes universitarios En ese sentido, se encontró una alta prevalencia de
sintomatología psicológica vinculada a la desmotivación y pensamientos que la vida no
vale la pena. Además, también se observaron otras problemáticas presentes entre los(as)
estudiantes como el consumo frecuente de alimentos poco saludables y la falta de
actividad física.
Respecto a la competencia Interviene, se tuvieron dos ejes de trabajo identificados: En
primer lugar, se apoyó en el diseño y ejecución de un programa de voluntariado para
promover el bienestar integral en la comunidad cuyo objetivo fue formar a estudiantes
como líderes promotores de la salud. En segundo lugar, el siguiente eje de trabajo estuvo
relacionado con la organización talleres de relajación y artísticos con el fin de brindar
herramientas psicológicas a los(as) estudiantes frente al estrés que venían experimentando
debido a la pandemia por el COVID-19.
En lo relacionado a la competencia Evalúa, se aplicaron encuestas de satisfacción para
conocer las opiniones de los(as) estudiantes voluntarios(as) del proyecto mencionado, así
como también a los participantes de talleres mencionados. Finalmente, se realizaron
informes dirigidos al equipo de trabajo en el que se mostraron los resultados de dichas
evaluaciones y se discutieron posibles puntos de mejora para futuras intervenciones
This paper aims to describe and reflect on the achievement of each professional competency during the internship period in a health promotion program carried out within a private university in Metropolitan Lima. In this sense, attached is information linked to the axes of Diagnose, Intervene, and Evaluate, which describe the functions developed. In response to the Diagnose competency, a quantitative survey was applied to obtain information on the characteristics linked to the health and well-being of university students. In this sense, a high prevalence of psychological symptoms linked to demotivation and thoughts that life is not worth living was found. In addition, other problems present among students were also observed, such as the frequent consumption of unhealthy foods and a lack of physical activity. Regarding the Intervene competency, two work axes were identified: Firstly, support was provided in the design and implementation of a volunteer program to promote comprehensive well-being in the community, whose objective was to train students as health promotion leaders. Secondly, the following work axis was related to the organization of relaxation and artistic workshops in order to provide psychological tools to students in the face of the stress they were experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In relation to the Evaluate competency, satisfaction surveys were applied to learn about the opinions of the volunteer students of the mentioned project, as well as the participants of the mentioned workshops. Finally, reports were prepared for the work team in which the results of these evaluations were shown and possible points for improvement for future similar interventions were discussed.
This paper aims to describe and reflect on the achievement of each professional competency during the internship period in a health promotion program carried out within a private university in Metropolitan Lima. In this sense, attached is information linked to the axes of Diagnose, Intervene, and Evaluate, which describe the functions developed. In response to the Diagnose competency, a quantitative survey was applied to obtain information on the characteristics linked to the health and well-being of university students. In this sense, a high prevalence of psychological symptoms linked to demotivation and thoughts that life is not worth living was found. In addition, other problems present among students were also observed, such as the frequent consumption of unhealthy foods and a lack of physical activity. Regarding the Intervene competency, two work axes were identified: Firstly, support was provided in the design and implementation of a volunteer program to promote comprehensive well-being in the community, whose objective was to train students as health promotion leaders. Secondly, the following work axis was related to the organization of relaxation and artistic workshops in order to provide psychological tools to students in the face of the stress they were experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In relation to the Evaluate competency, satisfaction surveys were applied to learn about the opinions of the volunteer students of the mentioned project, as well as the participants of the mentioned workshops. Finally, reports were prepared for the work team in which the results of these evaluations were shown and possible points for improvement for future similar interventions were discussed.
Formación profesional--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Psicología--Práctica--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Promoción de la salud--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Universidades--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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