Competencias adquiridas para el grado de licenciatura en psicología a través de las prácticas preprofesionales realizadas en una empresa privada del rubro de educación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo describe el desarrollo y logro de las competencias de interviene y evalúa de
la facultad de Psicología durante las prácticas preprofesionales llevadas a cabo en una empresa
privada de Lima Metropolitana en el sector de Educación entre los meses de marzo y diciembre
de 2020; y, finalmente, de la competencia diagnostica desarrollada en el octavo ciclo en el curso
integrador Psicología y Desarrollo Integral. En cuanto a la competencia de diagnostica tuvo
como fin entender cómo la exigencia de los padres hacia los estudiantes de quinto ciclo afectaba
su motivación al escoger y seguir con la carrera. Para la competencia interviene, se realizó una
intervención basada en la necesidad de potenciar la Marca Empleadora de la empresa empezando
por sus propios alumnos quienes serían los primeros que recomienden trabajar en el lugar. En
cuanto a la competencia evalúa, se diseñaron e implementaron planes de evaluación con el
objetivo de conocer la satisfacción e impacto que generaba el proceso de selección en los
postulantes. Por último, se resalta que, durante el periodo de prácticas preprofesionales, se
reforzaron diversos conocimientos adquiridos en pregrado que me ha permitido profundizar en
problemáticas organizacionales haciendo un uso ético de herramientas de recojo de información
como los cuestionarios y entrevistas. Así también, se potenciaron diversas habilidades personales
como la resiliencia y mi capacidad de adaptación, sobre todo durante la coyuntura de la
This work describes the development and achievement of the competencies of intervention and evaluation of the Faculty of Psychology during the pre-professional practices carried out in a private company in Metropolitan Lima in the Education sector between the months of March and December 2020; and, finally, of the diagnostic competence developed in the eighth cycle in the Integrative Psychology and Integral Development course. Regarding the diagnostic competence, its purpose was to understand how the demands of parents towards fifth cycle students affected their motivation when choosing and continuing with the career. For the intervene competition, an intervention was carried out based on the need to promote the Employer Brand of the company starting with its own students who would be the first to recommend working in the place. Regarding the evaluation of competition, evaluation plans were designed and implemented with the aim of knowing the satisfaction and impact generated by the selection process in the applicants. Finally, it is highlighted that, during the period of preprofessional practices, various knowledge acquired in undergraduate studies was reinforced, which has allowed me to delve into organizational problems by making ethical use of information gathering tools such as questionnaires and interviews. Likewise, various personal skills such as resilience and my ability to adapt were enhanced, especially during the pandemic situation.
This work describes the development and achievement of the competencies of intervention and evaluation of the Faculty of Psychology during the pre-professional practices carried out in a private company in Metropolitan Lima in the Education sector between the months of March and December 2020; and, finally, of the diagnostic competence developed in the eighth cycle in the Integrative Psychology and Integral Development course. Regarding the diagnostic competence, its purpose was to understand how the demands of parents towards fifth cycle students affected their motivation when choosing and continuing with the career. For the intervene competition, an intervention was carried out based on the need to promote the Employer Brand of the company starting with its own students who would be the first to recommend working in the place. Regarding the evaluation of competition, evaluation plans were designed and implemented with the aim of knowing the satisfaction and impact generated by the selection process in the applicants. Finally, it is highlighted that, during the period of preprofessional practices, various knowledge acquired in undergraduate studies was reinforced, which has allowed me to delve into organizational problems by making ethical use of information gathering tools such as questionnaires and interviews. Likewise, various personal skills such as resilience and my ability to adapt were enhanced, especially during the pandemic situation.
Psicología--Prácticas profesionales, Selección de personal--Metodología, Selección de personal--Evaluación
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