Procesos políticos en el diseño de políticas públicas: El caso del diseño de la descentralización en el Parlamento peruano. 2001-2006
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el Perú existen pocos estudios académicos referidos al proceso político del parlamento
en la formulación de políticas públicas. Por eso nos propusimos abordar el proceso político
respecto del diseño de la política de la descentralización en el Perú. Aunque la otra
motivación es mi experiencia como asesor parlamentario en el período que nos ocupa.
Una interrogante es ¿por qué se arribó a un diseño de la política de descentralización como
el que sigue vigente y por qué sigue inalterable en el tiempo? De allí surgieron las hipótesis
sobre la calidad del consenso alcanzado, las capacidades de los legisladores y las
debilidades o fortalezas de su diseño.
Desde la teoría política abordamos desde el juego político de cómo se deciden las políticas,
como alcanzan a formularse producto de interacciones, procesos paralelos, argumentación,
persuasión y dentro de fases o etapas predecisionales y decisionales. En ese sentido se
establece que las capacidades de parlamentarios para formular políticas están directamente
relacionadas con su experiencia en el cargo.
En esta investigación, se retomó la historia del debate parlamentario y se revisaron las
transcripciones magnetofónicas de las comisiones de Descentralización, Constitución,
Gobiernos Locales, y el Diario de Debates en el período 2001-2006. Confirmando las
hipótesis planteadas, estableciendo que hay una suerte de parálisis en el desarrollo de la
política de descentralización y que se requieren condiciones sobre todo de acuerdo político
para retomar los cambios que amerita.
In Peru there are few academic studies on the political process of parliament in the formulation of public policies. That is why we set out to address the political process with respect to the design of decentralization policy in Peru. Although the other motivation is my experience as a parliamentary advisor in the period we are dealing with. One question is why did the decentralization policy design that is still in force come about and why does it remain unchanged over time? This gave rise to hypotheses on the quality of the consensus reached, the capacities of the legislators and the weaknesses or strengths of its design. From the political theory we approached from the political game of how policies are decided, how they are formulated as a result of interactions, parallel processes, argumentation, persuasion and within pre-decisional and decisional phases or stages. In this sense, it is established that the capacities of parliamentarians to formulate policies are directly related to their experience in office. In this research, the history of parliamentary debate was taken up again and the tape transcripts of the Decentralization, Constitution, and Local Government committees and the Journal of Debates were reviewed for the period 2001-2006. Confirming the hypotheses put forward, it was established that there is a kind of paralysis in the development of the decentralization policy and that conditions are required, above all, political agreement to resume the changes it deserves.
In Peru there are few academic studies on the political process of parliament in the formulation of public policies. That is why we set out to address the political process with respect to the design of decentralization policy in Peru. Although the other motivation is my experience as a parliamentary advisor in the period we are dealing with. One question is why did the decentralization policy design that is still in force come about and why does it remain unchanged over time? This gave rise to hypotheses on the quality of the consensus reached, the capacities of the legislators and the weaknesses or strengths of its design. From the political theory we approached from the political game of how policies are decided, how they are formulated as a result of interactions, parallel processes, argumentation, persuasion and within pre-decisional and decisional phases or stages. In this sense, it is established that the capacities of parliamentarians to formulate policies are directly related to their experience in office. In this research, the history of parliamentary debate was taken up again and the tape transcripts of the Decentralization, Constitution, and Local Government committees and the Journal of Debates were reviewed for the period 2001-2006. Confirming the hypotheses put forward, it was established that there is a kind of paralysis in the development of the decentralization policy and that conditions are required, above all, political agreement to resume the changes it deserves.
Perú. Congreso, Descentralización administrativa--Perú, Planificación política--Perú, Políticas públicas--Perú
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