Tercerización laboral en el sector telecomunicaciones, ¿Existe contradicción entre las normas laborales y las normas regulatorias?: análisis a partir del canal retail
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación consiste en el análisis de una
supuesta contradicción normativa entre las normas laborales y las normas regulatorias del
sector de telecomunicaciones, específicamente del canal de ventas Retail que este sector
terceriza para cumplir con su obligación de capilaridad, partiendo de la aplicación de los
requisitos esenciales de la tercerización, conforme lo establece la Ley N.º 29245 y su
Para ello, analizaremos las normas laborales y regulatorias que adviertan esta supuesta
contradicción, doctrina sobre la materia y pronunciamientos de Juzgados y Salas
Laborales, que últimamente se han visto en aumento respecto al canal de ventas Retail,
materia de análisis.
Los principales lineamientos regulatorios para el canal de ventas Retail los encontramos
en el Texto Único Ordenado de las Condiciones de Uso de los Servicios Públicos de
Telecomunicaciones y el Reglamento del Sistema de Información y Registro de Tarifas
del OSIPTEL, que establecen la obligación de la empresa de telecomunicaciones de
brindar recursos técnicos y materiales a los trabajadores de la empresa de tercerización,
lo cual discrepa con este elemento esencial que establece la Ley N.º 29245.
Es así que, en el proceso de elaboración del presente trabajo académico, podemos advertir
que existe contradicción entre las normas laborales y las normas regulatorias, las cuales
se desconocen entre sí, provocando que la misma sea objeto de demandas judiciales sobre
desnaturalización de tercerización laboral.
The main objective of this research work consists in the analysis of a supposed normative contradiction between labor norms and the regulatory norms of the telecommunications sector, specifically of the Retail sales channel, which this sector outsources to comply with its capillarity obligation, based on from the application of the essential requirements of outsourcing, as established by Law No. 29245 and its Regulations Therefore, we will analyze the labor and regulatory laws, doctrine, and decisions of Labor Courts, which have recently increased in the Retail sales service, subject of analysis. The main regulatory obligations for the Retail sales service are found in the TUO of the Conditions of Use of Public Telecommunications Services and the Regulation of the Information System and Registry of Rates of OSIPTEL, which establish the obligation of the telecommunications company to Provide technical and material resources to the workers of the outsourcing company, which disagrees with this essential element established by Law No. 29245. In this sense, during the preparation of this academic work, we can point out that there is a contradiction between labor laws and regulatory laws, causing this to be the subject of lawsuits about denaturing labor outsourcing.
The main objective of this research work consists in the analysis of a supposed normative contradiction between labor norms and the regulatory norms of the telecommunications sector, specifically of the Retail sales channel, which this sector outsources to comply with its capillarity obligation, based on from the application of the essential requirements of outsourcing, as established by Law No. 29245 and its Regulations Therefore, we will analyze the labor and regulatory laws, doctrine, and decisions of Labor Courts, which have recently increased in the Retail sales service, subject of analysis. The main regulatory obligations for the Retail sales service are found in the TUO of the Conditions of Use of Public Telecommunications Services and the Regulation of the Information System and Registry of Rates of OSIPTEL, which establish the obligation of the telecommunications company to Provide technical and material resources to the workers of the outsourcing company, which disagrees with this essential element established by Law No. 29245. In this sense, during the preparation of this academic work, we can point out that there is a contradiction between labor laws and regulatory laws, causing this to be the subject of lawsuits about denaturing labor outsourcing.
Contratos de trabajo--Perú, Subcontratación--Perú, Derecho laboral--Perú, Telecomunicaciones--Legislación--Perú