Formación continua en competencias digitales desde la perspectiva docente en el contexto de pandemia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el contexto escolar sucedido durante la emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19, la
complejidad de la actividad docente hace imperioso repensar sobre la formación
continua de los profesores. Esta formación debe considerarse a partir de las actuales
exigencias y condiciones de los entornos educativos. Por ello, se considera variable
sustancial a la responsabilidad del maestro de prever cómo desarrolla sus
competencias digitales en la educación a distancia. Por ello, se plantea como objetivo
general analizar las percepciones sobre la formación continua en las competencias
digitales de los docentes de educación primaria en una Institución Educativa Pública
de Arequipa en el contexto de pandemia. En esta línea Lalangui et al., (2017) define
a la formación continua como el desarrollo de competencias que permite un
mejoramiento del desempeño profesional pedagógico y por consecuencia los
resultados del proceso educativo. La metodología se desarrolla bajo el enfoque
cualitativo, y de tipo descriptivo. Utiliza como técnica para la recolección de datos a la
entrevista semiestructurada, y como el instrumento el guion de entrevista aplicado a
nueve docentes de primaria en calidad de informantes. Dentro de los resultados de
investigación, se describe la actualización, especialización, coach entre pares y la
autoformación como tipos de formación continua en competencias digitales. Además,
se identifican las estrategias de formación en competencias digitales a los entornos
personales de aprendizaje (PLE), redes de aprendizaje profesional (PLN), redes
sociales y el portafolio docente, como las más utilizadas desde la percepción docente.
Con lo anterior, se pretende informar del aporte significativo de la formación continua
en el desempeño docente.
In the school context that occurred during the COVID-19 health emergency, the complexity of the teaching activity makes it imperative to rethink the continuous training of teachers. This training must be considered from the current demands and conditions of educational environments. Therefore, it is considered a substantial variable to the teacher's responsibility to foresee how he/she develops his/her digital competences in distance education. Therefore, the general objective is to analyze the perceptions on continuous training in digital competencies of primary education teachers in a Public Educational Institution of Arequipa in the context of pandemic. In this line Lalangui et al., (2017) defines continuous training as the development of competencies that allows an improvement of the pedagogical professional performance and consequently the results of the educational process. The methodology is developed under the qualitative approach, and descriptive type. It uses as a technique for data collection the semistructured interview, and as an instrument the interview script applied to nine elementary school teachers as informants. Within the research results, it describes updating, specialization, peer coaching and self-training as types of continuous training in digital competencies. In addition, training strategies in digital competencies are identified as personal learning environments (PLE), professional learning networks (PLN), social networks and the teaching portfolio, as the most used from the teachers' perception. With the above, it is intended to report the significant contribution of continuous training in teacher performance.
In the school context that occurred during the COVID-19 health emergency, the complexity of the teaching activity makes it imperative to rethink the continuous training of teachers. This training must be considered from the current demands and conditions of educational environments. Therefore, it is considered a substantial variable to the teacher's responsibility to foresee how he/she develops his/her digital competences in distance education. Therefore, the general objective is to analyze the perceptions on continuous training in digital competencies of primary education teachers in a Public Educational Institution of Arequipa in the context of pandemic. In this line Lalangui et al., (2017) defines continuous training as the development of competencies that allows an improvement of the pedagogical professional performance and consequently the results of the educational process. The methodology is developed under the qualitative approach, and descriptive type. It uses as a technique for data collection the semistructured interview, and as an instrument the interview script applied to nine elementary school teachers as informants. Within the research results, it describes updating, specialization, peer coaching and self-training as types of continuous training in digital competencies. In addition, training strategies in digital competencies are identified as personal learning environments (PLE), professional learning networks (PLN), social networks and the teaching portfolio, as the most used from the teachers' perception. With the above, it is intended to report the significant contribution of continuous training in teacher performance.
Personal docente--Capacitación, COVID (Enfermedad), Educación a distancia, Educación permanente
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