Diseño, desarrollo y validación de un módulo de aprendizaje sobre un paisaje cultural ayacuchano para reforzar la identidad social en adolescentes de Ayacucho
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La identidad social es uno de los componentes fundamentales para la formación y
desarrollo de los adolescentes, a pesar de ellos son pocos los estudios que podemos
encontrar sobre la identidad en adolescentes de zonas altoandinas y mucho menos una
propuesta que refuerce la identidad social. Los estudios nacionales e internacionales dan
cuenta de que los trabajos se han enfocado en el tema de identidad desde su implicancia en
los modos de vida, como herramienta en el modelo educativo en general o a través de su
análisis del discurso y representación, pero muy pocos lo analizan y proponen en su rol
como parte de una estrategia de aprendizaje. Luego de una revisión de teorías
psicoeducativas con relación a la identidad y el aprendizaje, nos quedamos con el modelo
de Merrill y Van Merrienboer que se apoyan en el paradigma cognitivo-constructivista, esto
lo complementamos con las propuestas de aprendizajes auténticos constructivistas de Badia
y Monereo. Con todo ello proponemos un modelo que hemos denominado “Principios para
fortalecer la identidad social en paisajes culturales”, con ello diseñamos un módulo de
aprendizaje con 4 componentes transversales, identidad social, historia, territorio y cultura,
y los validamos con 6 expertos multidisciplinarios. Los resultados nos mostraron que el
módulo de aprendizaje sí reforzaría la identidad social en la población señalada.
The social identity is one of the fundamental components for the formation and development of the adolescents, despite of this there are few studies that we can find about identity in adolescents of high Andean regions, much less a proposal that reinforces the social identity. National and international studies show that the work has focused on the identity issue from its implication in the ways of life, as a tool in the educational model in general or through its analysis of discourse and representation, but very few analyze and propose its role as part of learning strategies. After a review of psychoeducational theories in relation to identity and learning, we decided for the model of Merrill and Van Merrienboer that rely on the cognitive-constructivist paradigm, this is complemented by the proposals of authentic constructivist learning of Badia and Monereo. With all this we propose a model that we have called "Principles to strengthen the social identity in cultural landscapes", with this we designed a learning module with 4 transversal components; social identity, history, territory and culture, and we validated them with 6 multidisciplinary experts. The results showed us that the learning module will reinforce the social identity in the indicated population.
The social identity is one of the fundamental components for the formation and development of the adolescents, despite of this there are few studies that we can find about identity in adolescents of high Andean regions, much less a proposal that reinforces the social identity. National and international studies show that the work has focused on the identity issue from its implication in the ways of life, as a tool in the educational model in general or through its analysis of discourse and representation, but very few analyze and propose its role as part of learning strategies. After a review of psychoeducational theories in relation to identity and learning, we decided for the model of Merrill and Van Merrienboer that rely on the cognitive-constructivist paradigm, this is complemented by the proposals of authentic constructivist learning of Badia and Monereo. With all this we propose a model that we have called "Principles to strengthen the social identity in cultural landscapes", with this we designed a learning module with 4 transversal components; social identity, history, territory and culture, and we validated them with 6 multidisciplinary experts. The results showed us that the learning module will reinforce the social identity in the indicated population.
Educación ciudadana--Perú--Ayacucho, Adolescentes --Perú--Ayacucho--Participación ciudadana, Identidad colectiva--Aspectos sociales, Paisajes culturales--Perú--Ayacucho