La toma de perspectiva en el pensamiento histórico ¿qué conocen los docentes?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Una de las finalidades de la enseñanza de la Historia es aprender a pensar históricamente
mediante la toma de perspectiva, ya que esta favorece el desarrollo de habilidades de
pensamiento superior en los y las estudiantes. La presente investigación cualitativa,
enmarcada en el paradigma realista, tiene por objetivo explorar el conocimiento y las
valoraciones en relación a la enseñanza de la Historia mediante la toma de perspectiva en
docentes de séptimo ciclo del área curricular de Historia, Geografía y Economía. Para
ello, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a dos docentes de tercero y dos docentes
de cuarto grado de educación secundaria de instituciones públicas de Lima Metropolitana,
además de observaciones de aula a mínimo dos sesiones didácticas por cada docente. Los
hallazgos indican que todos los participantes reconocen la importancia del pensamiento
histórico para favorecer el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas y conocimientos
metodológicos para la construcción de posturas sobre procesos históricos, pero solo un
docente hace referencia directa a la toma de perspectiva como vía para la interpretación
del pasado de manera compleja. Al indagar en este aspecto, todos los participantes
reportan conocer esta aproximación como una alternativa en la enseñanza del área
curricular, pero difieren en la profundidad de su conceptualización y aplicación, debido a
que perciben una serie de limitaciones en los estudiantes, en la institución y en el sistema
educativo. Se concluye que los docentes tendrían dificultades para planificar el proceso
de instrucción en base a la toma de perspectiva, lo cual impactaría en el desarrollo de
competencias y capacidades en los y las estudiantes. Finalmente, se discuten las
limitaciones del estudio, así como sugerencias para futuras investigaciones.
One of the main purposes of teaching history is learning to think historically through historical perspective taking, since this boost student’s higher-order thinking skills. The aim of this qualitative research is to explore the knowledge and valuations in relation to historical teaching through historical perspective taking in third to fifth grade high school history teachers. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with two third and two fourth grade teachers from public schools in Lima, as well as a minimum of two class observations per teacher. The results demonstrate that all participants recognize the importance of historical thinking to favor the development of cognitive skills and methodological knowledge for the construction of positions on historical processes, but only one teacher makes direct reference to historical perspective taking as a way to interpret the past in a complex manner. All participants report knowing this approach as an alternative in history teaching, but they differ in the depth of its conceptualization and application, since they perceive a series of limitations in student’s formation, in the school’s politics and in the educational system. It is concluded that teachers could find difficult to plan the instructional process based on historical perspective taking, which would have an impact on the development of competencies and capacities required in the students. Finally, the limitations of the study are discussed, as well as suggestions for future research.
One of the main purposes of teaching history is learning to think historically through historical perspective taking, since this boost student’s higher-order thinking skills. The aim of this qualitative research is to explore the knowledge and valuations in relation to historical teaching through historical perspective taking in third to fifth grade high school history teachers. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with two third and two fourth grade teachers from public schools in Lima, as well as a minimum of two class observations per teacher. The results demonstrate that all participants recognize the importance of historical thinking to favor the development of cognitive skills and methodological knowledge for the construction of positions on historical processes, but only one teacher makes direct reference to historical perspective taking as a way to interpret the past in a complex manner. All participants report knowing this approach as an alternative in history teaching, but they differ in the depth of its conceptualization and application, since they perceive a series of limitations in student’s formation, in the school’s politics and in the educational system. It is concluded that teachers could find difficult to plan the instructional process based on historical perspective taking, which would have an impact on the development of competencies and capacities required in the students. Finally, the limitations of the study are discussed, as well as suggestions for future research.
Historia--Estudio y enseñanza, Toma de perspectiva, Adolescentes, Educación secundaria--Investigaciones
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