Debida adecuación de las conductas indebidas en la que se encontrarían inmersos personal de la PNP, a las infracciones contra la Imagen Institucional tipificadas en el Anexo II de la Ley N°30714 - Ley del Régimen Disciplinario de la PNP
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación, se basa en el accionar de los órganos disciplinarios del
sistema policial, el cual tiene base legal en la Ley Nº30714 norma que regula el régimen
disciplinario de la PNP, establece un conjunto de órganos pertenecientes al Ministerio del
Interior y a la Policía Nacional del Perú, que forman parte del sistema disciplinario policial,
siendo la Inspectoría General de la PNP a través de sus Oficinas de Disciplina tienen como
función la correcta adecuación de las conductas funcionales indebidas en las que recaen sus
miembros, a las infracciones contra la imagen institucional previstas y tipificadas en el
Anexo II de la tabla de infracciones y sanciones graves de la mencionada norma legal.
Empero, las infracciones señaladas son demasiado genéricas o amplias, por lo que al no estar
debidamente enmarcadas o delimitadas, son los órganos de investigación quienes terminan
aplicando la discrecionalidad administrativa con la finalidad de adecuar las conductas o actos
a dichas infracciones; discrecionalidad que en muchas oportunidades terminan siendo
arbitrarias, por lo que resulta necesario establecer parámetros delimitativos que coadyuven
a una debida adecuación de las conductas indebidas en la que se encontrarían inmersos
personal de la Policía Nacional del Perú que dañen la imagen institucional.
Palabras clave: discrecionalidad/ tipicidad/infracción/ imagen institutional
This research work is based on the actions of the disciplinary bodies of the police system, which has a legal basis in Law No. 30714, a norm that regulates the disciplinary regime of the PNP, establishes a set of bodies belonging to the Ministry of the Interior and the National Police of Peru, which are part of the police disciplinary system, being the PNP General Inspector's Office through its Discipline Offices, their function is the correct adaptation of the undue functional behaviors in which their members fall, to the infractions against the institutional image provided for and classified in Annex II of the table of serious infractions and sanctions of the aforementioned legal regulation. However, the aforementioned offenses are too generic or broad, so as they are not properly framed or delimited, it is the investigative bodies who end up applying administrative discretion in order to adapt the behaviors or acts to said offenses; discretion that in many opportunities end up being arbitrary, which is why it is necessary to establish delimiting parameters that contribute to a proper adaptation of the misconduct in which personnel of the National Police of Peru would be immersed that damage the institutional image.
This research work is based on the actions of the disciplinary bodies of the police system, which has a legal basis in Law No. 30714, a norm that regulates the disciplinary regime of the PNP, establishes a set of bodies belonging to the Ministry of the Interior and the National Police of Peru, which are part of the police disciplinary system, being the PNP General Inspector's Office through its Discipline Offices, their function is the correct adaptation of the undue functional behaviors in which their members fall, to the infractions against the institutional image provided for and classified in Annex II of the table of serious infractions and sanctions of the aforementioned legal regulation. However, the aforementioned offenses are too generic or broad, so as they are not properly framed or delimited, it is the investigative bodies who end up applying administrative discretion in order to adapt the behaviors or acts to said offenses; discretion that in many opportunities end up being arbitrary, which is why it is necessary to establish delimiting parameters that contribute to a proper adaptation of the misconduct in which personnel of the National Police of Peru would be immersed that damage the institutional image.
Polícia Nacional del Perú, Mala conducta en el cargo, Sanciones administrativas--Perú
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