Las competencias emocionales de dos docentes de primaria de una I.E. para el acompañamiento tutorial de estudiantes en la modalidad remota
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Ante los cambios en el campo educativo a causa de la Pandemia del Covid-19, se ha
optado por desarrollar y brindar mayor conciencia sobre las competencias
emocionales de los docentes, con el fin de seguir acompañando a cada uno de los
estudiantes en la modalidad remota. Por ello, el presente trabajo, que se caracteriza
por ser cualitativo, tiene como objetivo analizar las competencias emocionales de dos
docentes de cuarto y quinto grado de primaria para el acompañamiento tutorial de los
estudiantes en la modalidad de remota en una I.E. A la vez, se cuenta con dos
objetivos específicos como el identificar las competencias emocionales y describir
estas competencias aplicadas por dos docentes de cuarto y quinto de primaria en el
acompañamiento tutorial a los estudiantes en la modalidad remota. Además, para esta
investigación se usan instrumentos de recojo de información, viables de acuerdo a los
objetivos, los cuales son la guía de observación y la guía de entrevista semiestructurada. Al culminar el análisis de los hallazgos, se observa que las participantes
demuestran el desarrollo de competencias emocionales como la conciencia
emocional, regulación emocional, autonomía emocional, competencia social y para la
vida y bienestar; sin embargo, parece haber una falta de conocimiento sobre
estrategias para generar emociones positivas y adaptarse al nuevo contexto de
enseñanza. Por consiguiente, se sugiere una mejor orientación y capacitación de los
docentes, con el fin de evitar reacciones negativas y brindar acompañamiento
adecuado a los estudiantes en esta modalidad.
Having seen the changes in the education field due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been decided to develop and provide greater awareness about teacher’s emotional competencies, in order to continue the guidance of each student during remote teaching. For this reason, this research, which is qualitative, aims to analyze the emotional competencies of two teachers from fourth and fifth grade of primary for the tutoring guidance of students during virtual classes in a public school. It has two specific objectives, such as identifying emotional competencies and describing these competencies applied by two fourth and fifth grade teachers in tutoring students during remote teaching. In addition, for this investigation, instruments to collect information that are used, made according to the objectives, are the observation guide and the semi-structured interview guide. At the end of the analysis, it is observed that the participants demonstrate the development of emotional competencies such as emotional awareness, emotional regulation, emotional autonomy, social competence and competency for life and well-being. However, it seems that there is a lack of knowledge about strategies to generate positive emotions and adapt to this new teaching context. Therefore, a better orientation and training towards teachers is suggested, in order to avoid negative reactions and provide adequate guidance to students during remote teaching.
Having seen the changes in the education field due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been decided to develop and provide greater awareness about teacher’s emotional competencies, in order to continue the guidance of each student during remote teaching. For this reason, this research, which is qualitative, aims to analyze the emotional competencies of two teachers from fourth and fifth grade of primary for the tutoring guidance of students during virtual classes in a public school. It has two specific objectives, such as identifying emotional competencies and describing these competencies applied by two fourth and fifth grade teachers in tutoring students during remote teaching. In addition, for this investigation, instruments to collect information that are used, made according to the objectives, are the observation guide and the semi-structured interview guide. At the end of the analysis, it is observed that the participants demonstrate the development of emotional competencies such as emotional awareness, emotional regulation, emotional autonomy, social competence and competency for life and well-being. However, it seems that there is a lack of knowledge about strategies to generate positive emotions and adapt to this new teaching context. Therefore, a better orientation and training towards teachers is suggested, in order to avoid negative reactions and provide adequate guidance to students during remote teaching.
Formación profesional de maestros, Inteligencia emocional, Educación a distancia, Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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