Presencia y uso del infoentretenimiento en el periodismo deportivo en la televisión peruana: análisis del programa Al Ángulo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis de investigación tiene como objetivo describir y analizar la influencia del
infoentretenimiento en las actuales propuestas relacionadas con el periodismo deportivo en la
televisión peruana, a partir del estudio del programa Al Ángulo. En el Perú, la realidad del
periodismo deportivo nos muestra un contenido basado en dos pilares fundamentales: informar y
entretener al público. De esta forma, el infoentretenimiento se encuentra cada vez más presente en
la parrilla de los diversos medios, pero éste muchas veces se desvirtúa para generar morbo y una
continua banalización de los contenidos. No obstante, el infoentretenimiento también puede
presentar cualidades positivas para el beneficio de los programas deportivos, como es lo que ocurre
con nuestro caso de estudio Al Ángulo. Es decir, allí el infoentretenimiento influye de manera
efectiva para que el público se enganche rápidamente tanto con la información futbolística que
ofrecen sus panelistas como con la diversión que la representa el moderador. Para demostrarlo, esta
tesis se basó en un exhaustivo análisis de discurso de un total de 12 extractos del programa, los
cuales nos sirvieron para la influencia del infoentretenimiento dentro del espacio televisivo. A
partir de ello, concluimos que el uso correcto de este fenómeno permite potenciar la calidad
informativa del programa y, a su vez, entretener a la audiencia.
The objective of this research thesis is to describe and analyze the influence of infotainment on current proposals related to sports journalism on Peruvian television, based on the study of the program Al Ángulo. In Peru, the reality of sports journalism shows us content based on two fundamental pillars: informing and entertaining the public. In this way, infotainment is increasingly present on the grid of various media, but this is often distorted to generate morbidity and a continuous trivialization of the content. However, infotainment can also present positive qualities for the benefit of sports programs, as is what happens with our Al Ángulo case study. That is to say, there infotainment effectively influences the public to quickly become hooked on both the football information offered by its panelists and the fun represented by the moderator. To demonstrate this, this thesis was based on an exhaustive discourse analysis of a total of 12 excerpts from the program, which helped us to understand the influence of infotainment within the television space. From this, we conclude that the correct use of this phenomenon allows us to enhance the informative quality of the program and, in turn, entertain the audience.
The objective of this research thesis is to describe and analyze the influence of infotainment on current proposals related to sports journalism on Peruvian television, based on the study of the program Al Ángulo. In Peru, the reality of sports journalism shows us content based on two fundamental pillars: informing and entertaining the public. In this way, infotainment is increasingly present on the grid of various media, but this is often distorted to generate morbidity and a continuous trivialization of the content. However, infotainment can also present positive qualities for the benefit of sports programs, as is what happens with our Al Ángulo case study. That is to say, there infotainment effectively influences the public to quickly become hooked on both the football information offered by its panelists and the fun represented by the moderator. To demonstrate this, this thesis was based on an exhaustive discourse analysis of a total of 12 excerpts from the program, which helped us to understand the influence of infotainment within the television space. From this, we conclude that the correct use of this phenomenon allows us to enhance the informative quality of the program and, in turn, entertain the audience.
Periodismo deportivo--Perú, Televisión--Aspectos sociales--Perú, Programas de televisión--Análisis del discurso--Perú