El Niño en el Patrón de Asentamiento Prehispánico del Valle Bajo y Medio de Chao
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Este trabajo de investigación se enmarca dentro del proyecto "El pasado en Peligro",
financiado por CONCYTEC y el Banco Mundial, y dirigido por la Dra. Ana Cecilia Mauricio.
Su principal objetivo es analizar cómo las sociedades prehispánicas del valle de Chao, en
la costa peruana, respondieron al fenómeno climático de El Niño a través de su patrón
de asentamiento, abarcando los periodos desde el Precerámico hasta el Horizonte
Tardío (4000 a.C. – 1532 d.C.).
El valle de Chao, considerado históricamente como una zona con baja productividad
agrícola debido a su geografía, ha sido el hogar de diversas ocupaciones humanas a lo
largo del tiempo. A través de un análisis detallado de los patrones de asentamiento, se
busca entender cómo los fenómenos climáticos, particularmente los eventos de El Niño,
pudieron haber influido en la ubicación y organización de estos asentamientos. Esta
investigación postula que las poblaciones prehispánicas desarrollaron diversas
estrategias de adaptación, mitigación y resiliencia ante los impactos del fenómeno
climático, reflejados en el uso de distintas zonas del valle a lo largo de los diferentes
periodos de ocupación.
El estudio se basa en la reconstrucción del patrón de asentamiento en el valle de Chao,
utilizando un catastro actualizado de sitios arqueológicos y aplicando análisis espaciales
mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Además, se incorporan datos sobre
la geomorfología del valle y las áreas de riesgo geológico, lo que permite contextualizar
los asentamientos con su entorno geográfico y climático.
Los resultados obtenidos contribuyen a una comprensión más profunda de cómo las
poblaciones prehispánicas en la región del valle de Chao pudieron haber respondido a
eventos climáticos extremos y ofrecen una perspectiva sobre la adaptación social y
ambiental frente a estos fenómenos. La investigación propone un modelo integral sobre
el "patrón de asentamiento arqueológico" relacionado con El Niño, que aporta nuevas
ideas sobre la interacción de las sociedades con su entorno natural y climático.
This research is part of the project "The Past in Danger," funded by CONCYTEC and the World Bank, and led by Dr. Ana Cecilia Mauricio. The primary objective is to analyze how pre-Hispanic societies in the Chao Valley, on the northern coast of Peru, responded to the climatic phenomenon of El Niño through their settlement patterns, covering periods from the Preceramic to the Late Horizon (4000 BC – 1532 AD). The Chao Valley, historically considered an area with low agricultural productivity due to its geography, has been home to various human settlements over time. Through a detailed analysis of settlement patterns, the study seeks to understand how climatic events, particularly El Niño, may have influenced the location and organization of these settlements. The research postulates that pre-Hispanic populations developed various strategies of adaptation, mitigation, and resilience to the impacts of the climatic phenomenon, reflected in the use of different areas of the valley throughout the different periods of occupation. The study is based on the reconstruction of the settlement pattern in the Chao Valley, using an updated catalog of archaeological sites and applying spatial analysis through Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Additionally, data on the valley's geomorphology and geological risk areas are incorporated to contextualize the settlements within their geographical and climatic environment. The results contribute to a deeper understanding of how pre-Hispanic populations in the Chao Valley may have responded to extreme climatic events and offer insights into social and environmental adaptation to these phenomena. The research proposes a comprehensive model of the "archaeological settlement pattern" related to El Niño, providing new perspectives on how societies interacted with their natural and climatic surroundings.
This research is part of the project "The Past in Danger," funded by CONCYTEC and the World Bank, and led by Dr. Ana Cecilia Mauricio. The primary objective is to analyze how pre-Hispanic societies in the Chao Valley, on the northern coast of Peru, responded to the climatic phenomenon of El Niño through their settlement patterns, covering periods from the Preceramic to the Late Horizon (4000 BC – 1532 AD). The Chao Valley, historically considered an area with low agricultural productivity due to its geography, has been home to various human settlements over time. Through a detailed analysis of settlement patterns, the study seeks to understand how climatic events, particularly El Niño, may have influenced the location and organization of these settlements. The research postulates that pre-Hispanic populations developed various strategies of adaptation, mitigation, and resilience to the impacts of the climatic phenomenon, reflected in the use of different areas of the valley throughout the different periods of occupation. The study is based on the reconstruction of the settlement pattern in the Chao Valley, using an updated catalog of archaeological sites and applying spatial analysis through Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Additionally, data on the valley's geomorphology and geological risk areas are incorporated to contextualize the settlements within their geographical and climatic environment. The results contribute to a deeper understanding of how pre-Hispanic populations in the Chao Valley may have responded to extreme climatic events and offer insights into social and environmental adaptation to these phenomena. The research proposes a comprehensive model of the "archaeological settlement pattern" related to El Niño, providing new perspectives on how societies interacted with their natural and climatic surroundings.
Arqueología--Perú--La Libertad, Asentamientos humanos--Perú--La Libertad--Época prehispánica, Corriente El Niño--Perú--La Libertad--Época prehispánica
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