El deber de idoneidad de las entidades bancarias de generar alertas ante operaciones por un monto mayor al máximo de una transacción anterior
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En un caso de operaciones no reconocidas, se debe verificar que la entidad
bancaria cumplió con adoptar las medidas de seguridad aplicables respecto a
tales transacciones. Entre dichas medidas se encuentra la obligación del Banco
de identificar, mediante su sistema de monitoreo, qué operaciones no
corresponden al patrón de consumo del usuario. Para ello, se debe considerar el
histórico de operaciones del cliente y analizar si correspondía que alguna de las
operaciones genere una alerta en el sistema a efectos de evitar transacciones
inusuales posteriores.
In a case of unrecognized transactions, it must be verified that the bank complied with the security measures applicable to such transactions. Among such measures is the bank's obligation to identify, through its monitoring system, which transactions do not correspond to the user's consumption pattern. For this purpose, the customer's transaction history must be considered and an analysis must be made as to whether any of the transactions should have generated an alert in the system in order to avoid subsequent unusual transactions.
In a case of unrecognized transactions, it must be verified that the bank complied with the security measures applicable to such transactions. Among such measures is the bank's obligation to identify, through its monitoring system, which transactions do not correspond to the user's consumption pattern. For this purpose, the customer's transaction history must be considered and an analysis must be made as to whether any of the transactions should have generated an alert in the system in order to avoid subsequent unusual transactions.
Bancos--Perú, Cuentas bancarias--Medidas de seguridad--Perú, Protección del consumidor--Perú