Motivos identitarios en adultos jóvenes militantes del partido Perú Libre
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La identidad social se construye a partir de roles y posiciones dadas en una estructura
social. Los componentes de la identidad van de la mano con una serie de motivaciones
que guían los procesos de identificación tanto individual como social. Mediante una
aproximación cualitativa el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar los motivos
identitarios de jóvenes militantes del partido Perú Libre. Se observó que la identidad de
militante de dicho partido satisface cada uno de los motivos identitarios, en donde existe
una interacción entre sus procesos y vivencias. De hecho, uno de los procesos más
representativos en los militantes, es el proceso de diferenciación, pues involucra una
comprensión sobre los roles de militantes y la ideología que guía su pertenencia al partido.
De esto parten las experiencias que satisfacen al resto de los motivos, tales como el
fortalecimiento ideológico, los espacios de apoyo e inclusión grupal, su rol y tareas como
militantes, entre otros.
Social identity is constructed from roles and positions given in a social structure. The components of identity go hand in hand with a series of motivations that guide both individual and social identification processes. Through a qualitative approach, the present study aimed to explore the identity motives of young militants of the Peru Libre party. It was observed that the identity of being a member of this party satisfies each of the identity motives, where there is an interaction between their processes and experiences. In fact, one of the most representative processes in the militants is the process of differentiation, as it involves an understanding of the roles of militants and the ideology that guides their membership in the party. From this, experiences that satisfy the rest of the motives stem, such as ideological strengthening, spaces of support and group inclusion, their role and tasks as militants, among others.
Social identity is constructed from roles and positions given in a social structure. The components of identity go hand in hand with a series of motivations that guide both individual and social identification processes. Through a qualitative approach, the present study aimed to explore the identity motives of young militants of the Peru Libre party. It was observed that the identity of being a member of this party satisfies each of the identity motives, where there is an interaction between their processes and experiences. In fact, one of the most representative processes in the militants is the process of differentiation, as it involves an understanding of the roles of militants and the ideology that guides their membership in the party. From this, experiences that satisfy the rest of the motives stem, such as ideological strengthening, spaces of support and group inclusion, their role and tasks as militants, among others.
Partido Perú Libre (Perú), Identidad (Psicología), Jóvenes--Actividad política--Perú
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