Estrategias de comunicación en la prevención del VIH/Sida en los estudiantes universitarios de Perú – Identificación y análisis de investigaciones científicas del año 2016 al 2020
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar las características de
las investigaciones sobre las estrategias de comunicación para prevenir el VIH/sida en
los estudiantes universitarios de Perú, publicadas entre los años 2016 y 2020. Se
analizan las publicaciones académicas que fueron seleccionadas con los siguientes
criterios: publicadas en los últimos 5 años (entre el 2016 y 2020), están disponibles en
fuentes de publicación confiables (repositorios, revistas académicas e informes de
organismos de salud), son publicaciones en castellano, y se concentran en universitarios
peruanos. La muestra está compuesta por 5 investigaciones publicadas de un universo
de 15.
Resultado: Únicamente se encontraron tesis universitarias de pre y posgrado. Las
publicaciones seleccionadas para este estudio reportan que las investigaciones sobre
estrategias de comunicación para prevenir el VIH/sida en estudiantes universitarios,
parten de diagnósticos que confirman que los jóvenes en su mayoría están
desinformados sobre la enfermedad, los riesgos, métodos de prevención y tratamiento.
La situación diagnosticada guía el planteamiento y desarrollo de estrategias y planes de
comunicación que se diseñan con enfoques y características diversas. El análisis
realizado de estas publicaciones, revela que las investigaciones seleccionadas toman
en cuenta postulados teóricos a nivel tanto de acciones individuales -como el modelo de
creencias de salud y la teoría de etapas- cuanto, a nivel de acciones grupales, que
refieren a postulados de comunicación para el cambio social. Las publicaciones reportan
resultados positivos en lo que concierne al mejoramiento de capacidades y conocimiento
por parte de los estudiantes. Se trata de investigaciones con restringido ámbito de
acción territorial.
The objective of this research is to identify and analyze the characteristics of research on communication strategies to prevent HIV / AIDS in Peruvian university students, published between 2016 and 2020. Likewise, it allows to identify and analyze academic publications that were selected with the following criteria: studies published in the last 5 years (between 2016 and 2020), are available in reliable publication sources (repositories, academic journals and reports from health organizations), are publications in Spanish, and are concentrated in Peruvian university students. The population is made up of 15 published research papers and the sample is made up of 5 research papers. Result: The publications report that the research on communication strategies to prevent HIV / AIDS in university students selected for this study, started from diagnoses that confirmed that the majority of young people are uninformed about the disease, the risks, prevention methods and treatment. This situation led to the planning and development of communication strategies and plans. Research reports positive results regarding the improvement of skills and knowledge on the part of students. The analysis carried out reveals that the selected investigations take into account theoretical postulates at the level of individual actions such as the health belief model and the theory of stages; and at the level of group actions, they refer to the postulates of communication for social change.
The objective of this research is to identify and analyze the characteristics of research on communication strategies to prevent HIV / AIDS in Peruvian university students, published between 2016 and 2020. Likewise, it allows to identify and analyze academic publications that were selected with the following criteria: studies published in the last 5 years (between 2016 and 2020), are available in reliable publication sources (repositories, academic journals and reports from health organizations), are publications in Spanish, and are concentrated in Peruvian university students. The population is made up of 15 published research papers and the sample is made up of 5 research papers. Result: The publications report that the research on communication strategies to prevent HIV / AIDS in university students selected for this study, started from diagnoses that confirmed that the majority of young people are uninformed about the disease, the risks, prevention methods and treatment. This situation led to the planning and development of communication strategies and plans. Research reports positive results regarding the improvement of skills and knowledge on the part of students. The analysis carried out reveals that the selected investigations take into account theoretical postulates at the level of individual actions such as the health belief model and the theory of stages; and at the level of group actions, they refer to the postulates of communication for social change.
SIDA (Enfermedad)--Prevención--Perú--Investigaciones, Comunicación en salud, Comunicación--Aspectos sociales, Estudiantes universitarios--Perú--Investigaciones
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