Concepciones docentes sobre el conflicto y su gestión en las clases de modalidad de educación a distancia durante la emergencia sanitaria por covid-19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general comprender las concepciones de
los docentes sobre el conflicto y su gestión en las dinámicas de las clases en la
modalidad de educación a distancia durante la emergencia sanitaria por la covid-19. Los
participantes del estudio fueron 5 docentes de una institución de educación básica
regular del nivel secundario de Lima Metropolitana. La técnica de recolección de
información utilizada fue la entrevista semiestructurada y los instrumentos empleados
fueron una guía de entrevista, la cual contó con 4 áreas temáticas. También se utilizó un
formulario para recoger datos sociodemográficos. En los resultados, por un lado, se
hallaron dos concepciones docentes sobre el conflicto. La primera concepción es que el
conflicto mal gestionado genera consecuencias negativas, el cual tiende a un enfoque
más tradicional, pues los docentes conciben al conflicto como una situación que se debe
evitar. La segunda concepción docente es que el conflicto es una oportunidad de
crecimiento, cuyo enfoque es el de relaciones humanas e interactivo, es decir que
conciben al conflicto como una situación que es natural dentro de toda relación
interpersonal, así como que es un evento que se debe promover, pues trae potenciales
aprendizajes para los estudiantes. Por otro lado, las docentes en la que predominaba la
primera concepción, tendían a gestionar el conflicto mediante sanciones, mientras que la
manera de gestionar los conflictos de las docentes con la segunda concepción se
caracterizaba por el uso de las estrategias de mediación y negociación. Todo esto refleja
cómo las concepciones docentes sobre el conflicto influyen en su modo de gestionar a
This research aimed to know the teachers' conceptions about conflict and its management on the dynamics of classes in the distance education modality during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research participants were 5 teachers from a religious regular education institution of the middle school of Metropolitan Lima. The data collection method used was the semi-structured interview and the instruments used were an interview guide, which had 4 thematic areas; and a form for sociodemographic data collection. In the results, on the one hand, two teaching conceptions about the conflict were found. The first conception is poorly managed conflict generates negative consequences, which tends to a more traditional approach, because of teachers conceive conflict as a situation to be avoided. The second teaching conception is conflict is an opportunity for growth, whose approach is human relations and interactive. Thus they conceive conflict as a natural situation within every interpersonal relationship, as well as an event that should be promote, because it brings potential learning for students. On the other hand, the teachers in whom the first conception predominated tended to manage the conflict through sanctions, while the teachers with the second conception tend to manage the conflicts by the use of mediation and negotiation strategies. All this shows how teachers' conceptions of conflict influence their way of managing it.
This research aimed to know the teachers' conceptions about conflict and its management on the dynamics of classes in the distance education modality during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research participants were 5 teachers from a religious regular education institution of the middle school of Metropolitan Lima. The data collection method used was the semi-structured interview and the instruments used were an interview guide, which had 4 thematic areas; and a form for sociodemographic data collection. In the results, on the one hand, two teaching conceptions about the conflict were found. The first conception is poorly managed conflict generates negative consequences, which tends to a more traditional approach, because of teachers conceive conflict as a situation to be avoided. The second teaching conception is conflict is an opportunity for growth, whose approach is human relations and interactive. Thus they conceive conflict as a natural situation within every interpersonal relationship, as well as an event that should be promote, because it brings potential learning for students. On the other hand, the teachers in whom the first conception predominated tended to manage the conflict through sanctions, while the teachers with the second conception tend to manage the conflicts by the use of mediation and negotiation strategies. All this shows how teachers' conceptions of conflict influence their way of managing it.
Educación a distancia--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Solución de conflictos, Personal docente, Educación secundaria--Investigaciones, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Educación
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