Motivos ocupacionales y autoconcepto en la elección de carrera
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El propósito del presente estudio fue conocer las relaciones entre los motivos ocupacionales y el autoconcepto en la elección de carrera de 87 estudiantes del quinto de secundaria de un colegio de nivel socioeconómico medio (47 hombres y 40 mujeres) e identificar las diferencias según sexo y tipo de carrera elegida (letras, ciencias o artes). Las motivaciones se abordaron desde el enfoque de las necesidades psicológicas de la teoría de la autodeterminación y el autoconcepto se trabajó en base al modelo de Shavelson. Para la medición de las motivaciones se empleó la escala de motivos ocupacionales (ESMO), adaptada al contexto limeño por Ramos (2013) y para evaluar el autoconcepto se utilizó el cuestionario de autodescripción II de Marsh (1990). Los resultados evidencian que existe una asociación positiva entre los motivos de orientación prosocial y los autoconceptos: self general, honestidad, verbal y académico general; una relación directa entre los motivos de autonomía y realización y el autoconcepto académico general; y una asociación negativa entre los motivos de relación con la familia y el autoconcepto de relación con los padres. También, se halló que los motivos de orientación prosocial y los autoconceptos de honestidad y verbal fueron más altos en las mujeres, mientras que los autoconceptos de matemáticas y estabilidad emocional eran más altos en los hombres. Finalmente, se encontró que los motivos de éxito y reconocimiento fueron más altos en estudiantes que elegían carreras de letras y ciencias y que los estudiantes que escogieron carreras de ciencias poseían más alto autoconcepto en académico general y en matemáticas.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between occupational motives and self-concept in the career choice of 87 senior high school students of a middle socioeconomic level (47 men and 40 women) and to identify differences according to sex and type of career choice (humanities, sciences and arts). The motivations were discussed from the viewpoint of the basic psychological needs of the self-determination theory and self-concept was approached from Shavelson’s model. To measure the motivations we used the scale of occupational motives (ESMO) adapted to the Lima context by Ramos (2013) and the self-concept was evaluated with the self-description questionnaire II (Marsh, 1990). Results showed a positive association between prosocial motives and general self, honesty, verbal and academic self-concept; and a direct association between autonomy and self-fulfillment motives and academic self-concept, a direct relationship between autonomy and self-fulfillment motives and academic self-concept, and an inverse association between familiar relationship motives and parental relationship self-concept. Also, it was found that prosocial motives and honesty and verbal self-concepts were higher in women, while math and emotional stability self-concepts were higher in men. Finally, it was observed that success and recognition motives were higher in students who chose humanities and sciences careers, and students interested in sciences careers had higher self-concepts in math and general academic.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between occupational motives and self-concept in the career choice of 87 senior high school students of a middle socioeconomic level (47 men and 40 women) and to identify differences according to sex and type of career choice (humanities, sciences and arts). The motivations were discussed from the viewpoint of the basic psychological needs of the self-determination theory and self-concept was approached from Shavelson’s model. To measure the motivations we used the scale of occupational motives (ESMO) adapted to the Lima context by Ramos (2013) and the self-concept was evaluated with the self-description questionnaire II (Marsh, 1990). Results showed a positive association between prosocial motives and general self, honesty, verbal and academic self-concept; and a direct association between autonomy and self-fulfillment motives and academic self-concept, a direct relationship between autonomy and self-fulfillment motives and academic self-concept, and an inverse association between familiar relationship motives and parental relationship self-concept. Also, it was found that prosocial motives and honesty and verbal self-concepts were higher in women, while math and emotional stability self-concepts were higher in men. Finally, it was observed that success and recognition motives were higher in students who chose humanities and sciences careers, and students interested in sciences careers had higher self-concepts in math and general academic.
Orientación profesional, Autoconcepto., Educación--Perú--Investigaciones.
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