Percepciones docentes sobre dislexia en una escuela pública de primaria del distrito de Pueblo Libre
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación es descriptiva con un enfoque mixto y el método es un estudio
de caso. Se basa en la dislexia, una dificultad de aprendizaje no estudiada en
nuestro país, que limita el desarrollo de las habilidades de lectura y escritura que
son esenciales para las personas. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es analizar
las percepciones de los docentes sobre la dislexia y la dificultad para aprender a
leer que deben abordarse en la educación primaria. Este objetivo general se
acompaña de dos objetivos específicos, que son: analizar el conocimiento sobre
la dislexia que manejan los maestros de primaria EBR de un IE público y describa
las percepciones de los maestros de tercer ciclo de primaria sobre dislexia y
dificultades de aprendizaje de lectura. Esta investigación demostró que los
maestros en la institución educativa estatal manejan la comprensión básica de la
dislexia, dicho conocimiento se obtuvo a través de la experiencia, aunque no hay
evidencia que profundice más sobre el tema para futuras situaciones similares.
La conclusión principal es que la mayoría de los maestros consideran la dislexia
como un problema que afectará la continuidad de sus sesiones de clase en lugar
de considerarla como una oportunidad en la que todos los estudiantes en el aula
pueden beneficiarse al poner mayor énfasis en la enseñanza de la lectura y la
This research is descriptive with a mixed approach and method is a case study. It is based on dyslexia, a learning difficulty not studied in our country, which limit to develop the reading and writing skills that are essential for people. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the perceptions of teachers about dyslexia and learning difficulty reading that must be addressed in primary education. This general objective is accompanied by two specific objectives, which are: to analyze knowledge about dyslexia who manage teachers of a Educational Institution public and describe the perceptions of third ciclo teachers of primary on dyslexia and learning difficulties of reading. This research showed that teachers in state educational institution handle basic understanding of dyslexia, such knowledge was obtained through experience, although no evidence deepening more on the subject for future similar situations. The main conclusion is that most teachers consider dyslexia as a problem that will affect the continuity of their class sessions rather than considering it as an opportunity in which all students in the classroom may benefit by putting greater emphasis on teaching reading and writing.
This research is descriptive with a mixed approach and method is a case study. It is based on dyslexia, a learning difficulty not studied in our country, which limit to develop the reading and writing skills that are essential for people. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the perceptions of teachers about dyslexia and learning difficulty reading that must be addressed in primary education. This general objective is accompanied by two specific objectives, which are: to analyze knowledge about dyslexia who manage teachers of a Educational Institution public and describe the perceptions of third ciclo teachers of primary on dyslexia and learning difficulties of reading. This research showed that teachers in state educational institution handle basic understanding of dyslexia, such knowledge was obtained through experience, although no evidence deepening more on the subject for future similar situations. The main conclusion is that most teachers consider dyslexia as a problem that will affect the continuity of their class sessions rather than considering it as an opportunity in which all students in the classroom may benefit by putting greater emphasis on teaching reading and writing.
Dislexia, Maestros--Actitudes, Educación primaria--Perú--Investigaciones
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