Una aproximación a un caso de hibridación indígena: el flujo de consumo material cotidiano y el manejo de residuos sólidos en la comunidad awajún de Wawaim, Amazonas en tiempos contemporáneos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Desde los setentas, Wawaim, una comunidad awajún ubicada en el Alto Marañón, se
encuentra crecientemente inmersa en una dinámica comercial propia del modernismo
económico peruano. La economía de las familias Wawaim se ha transformado notablemente
debido a la presión externa, al acelerado metabolismo del mercado de Chiriaco, y a los
programas de asistencia estatal. Estos cambios, al paso, han tenido diversos efectos en el
comportamiento de la población y en el medio natural adyacente. No obstante, este proceso
de hibridación inició con la llegada de exploradores europeos a la Amazonía y su posterior
colonización y economización por familias mestizas y compañías extranjeras. Dicha
hibridación ha devenido en una economía mixta conformada por actividades tradicionales
awajún y actividades primordialmente comerciales y de mano de obra. La cultura comunal
ha mutado, asimilando valores y elementos modernos, así como aspiraciones asociadas a las
promesas occidentales.
La finalidad de esta investigación es entender el flujo de consumo material cotidiano
enmarcado en este proceso de hibridación indígena, haciendo énfasis en el manejo y la
producción de sus residuos sólidos domésticos. A partir del estudio realizado en base al
enfoque etnográfico, haciendo uso de entrevistas semi estructuradas, dinámicas grupales y
observación participante, se puede afirmar que Wawaim se encuentra en un lento,
prolongado y persistente proceso de hibridación cultural condicionado por su cercanía
geográfica a Chiriaco, entendido como principal agente de occidentalización local, la
obtención de dinero a través de programas de asistencia social, y la labor de la escuela como
capacitadora moderna. De acuerdo al estilo de vida moderno adoptado activa y pasivamente
y al crecimiento poblacional, la producción de basura ha incrementado en volumen y en
heterogeneidad, convirtiéndose en una potencial amenaza por la contaminación ambiental e
inseguridad sanitaria que significa para la población de la comunidad y para el medio
ambiente de soporte.
Since 1970, Wawaim, an awajún community settled in Alto Marañón, has been strongly immersed in commercial dynamics typical of the actual economic modernity. The local economy of Wawaim families has been transformed notably because of external pressure, state programs of social assistance, and the accelerated metabolism of Chiriaco’s market system. These changes have had diverse effects on the behavior of Wawaim population, and on the adjacent environment. Nonetheless, these hybridization process actually began with the arrival of European explorers to the Amazon, and its later colonization and economization by mestiza Peruvian families and foreign companies. This hybridization has generated a mixed economy composed of traditional awajún practices, commercial and labor activities. The communal culture has mutated, it has absorbed modern values and elements, as well as different aspirations associated to usual occidental promises. The central purpose of the research is to understand the everyday consumption flows in the Wawaim community as an expression of this hybridization process, emphasizing the production and management of solid household waste. Based on ethnographic approach, semi-structured interviews, focus groups and participant observation, it can be stated that Wawaim is in the process of a slow, prolonged and persistent cultural hybridization, conditioned by its geographical closeness to Chiriaco (principal agent of westernization), the obtention of money through social assistance programs, and the work of the school in the community. According to the modern lifestyle adopted actively and passively by Wawaim families, as well as to recent population growth, the production of waste has incremented in volume and heterogeneity, becoming a potential threat to the Wawaim community and to the supportive environment surrounding it, due to the environmental pollution and the sanitary risk this waste represents.
Since 1970, Wawaim, an awajún community settled in Alto Marañón, has been strongly immersed in commercial dynamics typical of the actual economic modernity. The local economy of Wawaim families has been transformed notably because of external pressure, state programs of social assistance, and the accelerated metabolism of Chiriaco’s market system. These changes have had diverse effects on the behavior of Wawaim population, and on the adjacent environment. Nonetheless, these hybridization process actually began with the arrival of European explorers to the Amazon, and its later colonization and economization by mestiza Peruvian families and foreign companies. This hybridization has generated a mixed economy composed of traditional awajún practices, commercial and labor activities. The communal culture has mutated, it has absorbed modern values and elements, as well as different aspirations associated to usual occidental promises. The central purpose of the research is to understand the everyday consumption flows in the Wawaim community as an expression of this hybridization process, emphasizing the production and management of solid household waste. Based on ethnographic approach, semi-structured interviews, focus groups and participant observation, it can be stated that Wawaim is in the process of a slow, prolonged and persistent cultural hybridization, conditioned by its geographical closeness to Chiriaco (principal agent of westernization), the obtention of money through social assistance programs, and the work of the school in the community. According to the modern lifestyle adopted actively and passively by Wawaim families, as well as to recent population growth, the production of waste has incremented in volume and heterogeneity, becoming a potential threat to the Wawaim community and to the supportive environment surrounding it, due to the environmental pollution and the sanitary risk this waste represents.
Modernidad, Comunidades nativas–Perú–Amazonía, Región, Awajún, Basuras y aprovechamiento de basuras, Contaminación ambiental
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