Competencias del docente de educación básica para afrontar el nuevo sistema híbrido, en una Institución educativa privada de Lima, en el contexto pospandemia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación “Competencias del docente de educación básica para afrontar el
nuevo sistema híbrido en una institución educativa privada de Lima, en el contexto
pospandemia” tiene como objetivo general describir las competencias digitales y
emocionales que requieren fortalecer los docentes de educación básica para
afrontar el nuevo sistema híbrido en el contexto de pospandemia en una institución
educativa privada de Lima.
La investigación se sustentó en el enfoque cualitativo con nivel descriptivo. La
información se recabó con dos instrumentos: el análisis documental y la entrevista.
Participaron seis docentes de nivel secundaria de un colegio privado de Lima. Para
la entrevista se tomaron en cuenta 15 preguntas que indagan sobre los cambios en
las prácticas educativas, la competencia digital y la competencia emocional de los
docentes. En el análisis documental se obtuvo la información sobre la formación,
capacitación y experiencia profesional de los seis docentes a través de su
curriculum vitae.
Con respecto a los resultados en competencia digital, se puede afirmar que los
docentes de educación básica regular se encuentran en el primer nivel de desarrollo
denominado de “acceso” (Marco de Referencia del INTEF, 2022). Este perfil se
corresponde con “Docentes con experiencia profesional, pero que no han adquirido
un nivel adecuado de competencia digital profesional para su aplicación en el aula
de forma autónoma” (p. 18), pues su conocimiento y uso se limita a los medios
audiovisuales; carecen de una preparación actualizada en relación con las TIC;
además requieren de un desarrollo personal de las competencias emocionales de
empatía para atender no solo las situaciones académicas, sino también de
comunicación y de relaciones interpersonales. Finalmente, se identificaron factores
externos como las normas emitidas por el Ministerio de Educación y la participación
de los padres de familia, que inciden en las prácticas educativas y competencias
de los docentes.
The research “Competences of the basic education teacher to fase the new hybrid system in a private educational institution in Lima, in the post- pandemic context” has the general objective of describing the digital and emotional competences that basic education teachers need to stregthen to fase the new Hybrid system in the post- pandemic context in a private educational institution in Lima. The research was base don the qualitative approach with a descriptive level. The information was collected with two instruments: documentary análisis and interview. Six secondary level teachers from a private school in Lima participated. Fort he interview, 15 questions werw taken into account that inquire about changes in educational practices, digital competence and emotional competence of teachers. In the documentary análisis, information experience of the six techers was obtained through their curriculum vitae. Regarding the results in digital competence, it can be affirmed that regular bsic education teachers are in the first leve lof development called “Access” (INTEF Reference Framework, 2022). This profile corresponds to “Teachers with profesional experience, but who have not acquired an adequate leve lof profesional digital competence for their autonomous application in the classroom” (p. 18), since their knowledge and use is limited to audiovisual media; they lack up-to-date training in relation to ICTs; They also require personal development of emotional empathy skills to address not only academic situations, but also communication and interpersonal relationships. Finally, external factors were identified, such as the regulations issued by the Ministry of Education and the participation of parents, which affect educational practices and teacher competencias.
The research “Competences of the basic education teacher to fase the new hybrid system in a private educational institution in Lima, in the post- pandemic context” has the general objective of describing the digital and emotional competences that basic education teachers need to stregthen to fase the new Hybrid system in the post- pandemic context in a private educational institution in Lima. The research was base don the qualitative approach with a descriptive level. The information was collected with two instruments: documentary análisis and interview. Six secondary level teachers from a private school in Lima participated. Fort he interview, 15 questions werw taken into account that inquire about changes in educational practices, digital competence and emotional competence of teachers. In the documentary análisis, information experience of the six techers was obtained through their curriculum vitae. Regarding the results in digital competence, it can be affirmed that regular bsic education teachers are in the first leve lof development called “Access” (INTEF Reference Framework, 2022). This profile corresponds to “Teachers with profesional experience, but who have not acquired an adequate leve lof profesional digital competence for their autonomous application in the classroom” (p. 18), since their knowledge and use is limited to audiovisual media; they lack up-to-date training in relation to ICTs; They also require personal development of emotional empathy skills to address not only academic situations, but also communication and interpersonal relationships. Finally, external factors were identified, such as the regulations issued by the Ministry of Education and the participation of parents, which affect educational practices and teacher competencias.
Personal docente--Capacitación--Perú--Lima, Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020- --Perú--Lima, Educación secundaria--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Habilidades informativas--Estudio y enseñanza--Perú--Lima