Competencias del Perfil de Egreso de la Licenciatura en Psicología a través de las Prácticas Pre-Profesionales en el Equipo de Soporte Emocional de una empresa del rubro financiero en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La práctica pre profesional se da en el equipo de Soporte Emocional de una empresa del
rubro bancario. Este equipo surge ante la problemática de la pandemia de COVID-19 y
sus efectos en los colaboradores, que se desempeñan en actividades esenciales durante
el estado de emergencia. Ante ello, se encuentran dos grupos afectados de diferentes
maneras: aquellos que se desempeñaban en funciones presenciales en este contexto y
aquellos que confrontaban el trabajo remoto por primera vez. Las funciones del equipo
se enfocaron, entonces, en el diseño y ejecución de un programa de bienestar emocional
y salud mental dirigido a los colaboradores. Desde un punto de vista diagnóstico, se
realizó levantamiento de información a través de llamadas telefónicas y aplicando
pruebas psicológicas para la medición de estrés percibido y resiliencia. Los datos
obtenidos en esa etapa, permitieron considerar distintos tipos de intervención en la
población, siendo los principales el espacio de soporte emocional individual y las
actividades grupales. Se aplicó la psicoeducación en una serie de temáticas como el
autocuidado, el mindfulness, la asertividad, las redes de soporte social, entre otras.
Finalmente, se consideró oportuno realizar una evaluación constante a través de
encuestas de satisfacción tanto del espacio individual como del grupal. Durante el
proyecto, se encontró una población afectada emocionalmente por la pandemia y sus
repercusiones, sin embargo, se pudo identificar oportunidades de desarrollo de recursos
de afrontamiento, que permitieron buenos resultados en los colaboradores a partir de las
dificultades y limitaciones de la coyuntura.
The internship took place in the Emotional Support team of a banking company. This team arises as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on employees, who performed essential activities during the state of emergency. Considering this, there were two groups affected in different ways by the situation: those who were doing presential work in this context and those who were facing remote work for the first time. Therefore, the team’s functions focused on the design and execution of an emotional well-being and mental health program aimed at employees. From a diagnostic perspective, the team collected information about the general state of the personnel through telephone calls and the application of psychological tests for the measurement of their perceived stress and resilience. The data obtained, then allowed to consider different types of intervention, the main ones being individual emotional support sessions and group activities. Psychoeducation was applied in topics such as self-care, mindfulness, assertiveness and social support networks, among others. Finally, it was considered appropriate to carry out a constant evaluation of these activities through surveys about both the individual spaces and the collective ones. During the project, it was detected that the population was emotionally affected by the pandemic and its repercussions. However, it was also identified that there were opportunities to develop some coping resources, which allowed positive results in employees despite the difficulties and limitations of the context.
The internship took place in the Emotional Support team of a banking company. This team arises as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on employees, who performed essential activities during the state of emergency. Considering this, there were two groups affected in different ways by the situation: those who were doing presential work in this context and those who were facing remote work for the first time. Therefore, the team’s functions focused on the design and execution of an emotional well-being and mental health program aimed at employees. From a diagnostic perspective, the team collected information about the general state of the personnel through telephone calls and the application of psychological tests for the measurement of their perceived stress and resilience. The data obtained, then allowed to consider different types of intervention, the main ones being individual emotional support sessions and group activities. Psychoeducation was applied in topics such as self-care, mindfulness, assertiveness and social support networks, among others. Finally, it was considered appropriate to carry out a constant evaluation of these activities through surveys about both the individual spaces and the collective ones. During the project, it was detected that the population was emotionally affected by the pandemic and its repercussions. However, it was also identified that there were opportunities to develop some coping resources, which allowed positive results in employees despite the difficulties and limitations of the context.
Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020---Aspectos psicológicos--Perú, Bienestar, Emociones, Salud ocupacional--Perú--Lima
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