El impacto de la tecnología en el derecho a la prueba en el proceso penal: desafíos y perspectivas en la era digital
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El análisis aborda cómo la tecnología está transformando el derecho a la
prueba en los procesos penales, enfocándose en los retos que surgen debido a
la falta de una regulación específica para gestionar las pruebas en entornos
judiciales virtuales. Esta carencia normativa plantea riesgos importantes, ya
que puede comprometer principios básicos como la autenticidad, integridad y
validez de la evidencia presentada mediante herramientas tecnológicas.
El problema central gira en torno a si la ausencia de reglas claras afecta el
ejercicio del derecho a la prueba en los juicios orales virtuales. Las hipótesis
plantean que esta situación modifica de manera significativa la forma en que se
ofrecen, admiten y valoran las pruebas, lo que, a su vez, puede vulnerar los
derechos fundamentales de las partes implicadas.
En este contexto, se destacan como marcos normativos esenciales los
principios del debido proceso y la tutela judicial efectiva, junto con los
estándares relacionados con la autenticidad y la cadena de custodia de la
evidencia digital.
Las conclusiones apuntan a la necesidad urgente de desarrollar protocolos
específicos para regular la actuación probatoria en entornos virtuales. Esto
incluye establecer estándares sólidos para garantizar la fiabilidad de la
evidencia digital y capacitar a los operadores jurídicos en el manejo de estas
herramientas. Este enfoque busca integrar los avances tecnológicos al sistema
penal, asegurando la equidad y la protección de los derechos fundamentales
en los procesos judiciales.
The analysis addresses how technology is transforming the right to evidence in criminal proceedings, focusing on the challenges that arise due to the lack of specific regulation for managing evidence in virtual judicial environments. This regulatory gap poses significant risks, as it may compromise basic principles such as the authenticity, integrity and validity of evidence presented through technological tools. The central problem revolves around whether the absence of clear rules affects the exercise of the right to evidence in virtual oral trials. The hypotheses suggest that this situation significantly modifies the way in which evidence is offered, admitted and evaluated, which, in turn, may violate the fundamental rights of the parties involved. In this context, the principles of due process and effective judicial protection are highlighted as essential normative frameworks, along with standards related to the authenticity and chain of custody of digital evidence. The conclusions point to the urgent need to develop specific protocols to regulate the evidentiary performance in virtual environments. This includes establishing solid standards to guarantee the reliability of digital evidence and training legal operators in the use of these tools. This approach seeks to integrate technological advances into the criminal justice system, ensuring fairness and the protection of fundamental rights.
The analysis addresses how technology is transforming the right to evidence in criminal proceedings, focusing on the challenges that arise due to the lack of specific regulation for managing evidence in virtual judicial environments. This regulatory gap poses significant risks, as it may compromise basic principles such as the authenticity, integrity and validity of evidence presented through technological tools. The central problem revolves around whether the absence of clear rules affects the exercise of the right to evidence in virtual oral trials. The hypotheses suggest that this situation significantly modifies the way in which evidence is offered, admitted and evaluated, which, in turn, may violate the fundamental rights of the parties involved. In this context, the principles of due process and effective judicial protection are highlighted as essential normative frameworks, along with standards related to the authenticity and chain of custody of digital evidence. The conclusions point to the urgent need to develop specific protocols to regulate the evidentiary performance in virtual environments. This includes establishing solid standards to guarantee the reliability of digital evidence and training legal operators in the use of these tools. This approach seeks to integrate technological advances into the criminal justice system, ensuring fairness and the protection of fundamental rights.
Tecnología y derecho, Derecho procesal penal--Perú, Prueba (Derecho)--Perú
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