Afrontamiento y apoyo social ante el diagnóstico reciente de cáncer de mama
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Se propone conocer la relación entre las estrategias de afrontamiento y el apoyo social
percibido en la etapa de diagnóstico reciente. La muestra estuvo conformada por 56 mujeres
con cáncer de mama, cuyas edades fluctúan entre 27 y 80 años (M=53.71, DE=12.87). El
tiempo de diagnóstico oscila entre 1 y 8 meses y fueron atendidas en un centro de prevención
en Lima Metropolitana. Se empleó el Cuestionario de Estimación del Afrontamiento (COPE)
(Crespo & Cruzado, 1997) y el cuestionario MOS de Apoyo Social en Atención Primaria (De
la Revilla et al., 2005). Los resultados evidencian relaciones significativas y directas entre los
índices de apoyo percibido y las estrategias: reinterpretación positiva, planificación, acudir a
la religión; uso del humor y, una relación inversa con negación. Apoyo
emocional/informacional y apoyo afectivo se relacionan directamente con las estrategias
búsqueda de apoyo por razones emocionales y aceptación. El apoyo afectivo se relaciona con
búsqueda de apoyo instrumental. La edad se relaciona positivamente con acudir a la religión
y el apoyo instrumental; y, tener pareja presenta una relación positiva con apoyo afectivo. Se
concluye que, en la fase de diagnóstico reciente, se evidencia una relación entre el apoyo social
percibido y las estrategias centradas en la emoción; las pacientes hacen uso de diversas
estrategias; y, que el apoyo social incide en el uso de estrategias consideradas como
adaptativas. Esta información podría ser usada en propuestas de intervención en el diagnóstico
reciente con fin de lograr un mejor ajuste al cáncer.
The aim of this paper was to explore the relationship between the coping strategies and the perceived social support in the recent diagnosis stage. In a group of 56 women with breast cancer, whose ages fluctuate between 27 and 80 (M=53.71, DE= 12.87). The diagnosis time ranges from 1 to 8 months and they were treated in a prevention centre in Lima. The Questionnaire for Estimating Coping (COPE) (Crespo & Cruzado, 1997) and the MOS Questionnaire for Social Support in Primary Care (De la Revilla et al., 2005) were used. The results evidence the significant and direct relationships between the perceived support indices and the strategies: positive reinterpretation, planning, becoming religious; humor using and an inverse relationship with denial. Emotional/Informational support and affective support are directly related to the strategies search for support for emotional reasons and acceptance. Affective support is directly related to the strategies search for support for instrumental reasons. Age is positively related to becoming religious and the instrumental support; and, having a partner has a positive relationship with affective support. In conclusion: in the recent diagnosis phase, there is a relationship between perceived social support and strategies focused on emotion; the patients make use of different strategies; and, social support affects the use of strategies considered as adaptive. This information could be used in intervention for the recently diagnosis in order to achieve a better adjustment to cancer.
The aim of this paper was to explore the relationship between the coping strategies and the perceived social support in the recent diagnosis stage. In a group of 56 women with breast cancer, whose ages fluctuate between 27 and 80 (M=53.71, DE= 12.87). The diagnosis time ranges from 1 to 8 months and they were treated in a prevention centre in Lima. The Questionnaire for Estimating Coping (COPE) (Crespo & Cruzado, 1997) and the MOS Questionnaire for Social Support in Primary Care (De la Revilla et al., 2005) were used. The results evidence the significant and direct relationships between the perceived support indices and the strategies: positive reinterpretation, planning, becoming religious; humor using and an inverse relationship with denial. Emotional/Informational support and affective support are directly related to the strategies search for support for emotional reasons and acceptance. Affective support is directly related to the strategies search for support for instrumental reasons. Age is positively related to becoming religious and the instrumental support; and, having a partner has a positive relationship with affective support. In conclusion: in the recent diagnosis phase, there is a relationship between perceived social support and strategies focused on emotion; the patients make use of different strategies; and, social support affects the use of strategies considered as adaptive. This information could be used in intervention for the recently diagnosis in order to achieve a better adjustment to cancer.
Adaptación (Psicología), Soporte social, Mamas--Cáncer--Aspectos psicológicos
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