Representación de las mujeres en los textos escolares del área de Personal Social
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En las escuelas del nivel primario, la enseñanza del área de Personal Social ha estado
centrada en modelos y paradigmas androcéntricos que han invisibilizado la presencia
de las mujeres. Desde los estudios de género, se han planteado a los textos escolares
como los principales agentes en la reproducción de estereotipos y prejuicios en las
escuelas, los cuales aún se encuentran inscritos en el currículo y se hacen evidentes
en los textos. El presente estudio, a través de un análisis de contenido de textos
escolares del área de Personal Social del 5to y 6to grado de primaria, examina la
presencia de los estereotipos de género presentados en estos textos. La investigación
se enmarca dentro del enfoque cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo y análisis de
contenido. Finalmente, se logra apreciar que los textos escolares se utilizan como
instrumentos que reproducen modelos e ideas por quienes detentan el poder, por
ello, en este trabajo se plantea cuestionar los contenidos escolares alineados con el
currículo escolar. Por estas razones, el presente estudio busca fomentar la
estructuración de contenidos desde una perspectiva de género en los materiales
pedagógicos, con el fin de repensar los discursos y prácticas sociales que promuevan
la inclusión, empatía y el fortalecimiento del rol de las mujeres en los textos escolares.
In primary schools, the teaching of the social personal area has been centered on androcentric models and paradigms that have made the presence of women invisible. From gender studies, school texts have been proposed as the main agents in the reproduction of stereotypes and prejudices in schools, which are still inscribed in the curriculum and are evident in the texts. The present study, through a content analysis of school texts in the social personal area of 5th and 6th grade of elementary school, examines the presence of gender stereotypes presented in these texts. The research is framed within the qualitative approach, descriptive and documentary analysis. School textbooks are used as instruments that reproduce models and ideas by those who hold power; therefore, this work proposes to question the school contents aligned with the school curriculum. For these reasons, this study seeks to promote the structuring of contents from a gender perspective in the pedagogical materials, to rethink the discourses and social practices that promote inclusion, empathy and strengthening the role of women in school textbooks.
In primary schools, the teaching of the social personal area has been centered on androcentric models and paradigms that have made the presence of women invisible. From gender studies, school texts have been proposed as the main agents in the reproduction of stereotypes and prejudices in schools, which are still inscribed in the curriculum and are evident in the texts. The present study, through a content analysis of school texts in the social personal area of 5th and 6th grade of elementary school, examines the presence of gender stereotypes presented in these texts. The research is framed within the qualitative approach, descriptive and documentary analysis. School textbooks are used as instruments that reproduce models and ideas by those who hold power; therefore, this work proposes to question the school contents aligned with the school curriculum. For these reasons, this study seeks to promote the structuring of contents from a gender perspective in the pedagogical materials, to rethink the discourses and social practices that promote inclusion, empathy and strengthening the role of women in school textbooks.
Educación primaria--Libros de texto--Perú, Mujeres--Perú--Condiciones sociales, Estereotipo (Psicología social)--Perú, Educación primaria--Currículo--Perú