Inadecuada ejecución del programa Sumaq Wasi del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento para mejorar la situación de vivienda de poblaciones rurales en riesgo ante heladas y friaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
En el marco del Plan Multisectorial ante Heladas y Friaje (PMHF), el
Ministerio de Vivienda Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS) a través del
Programa Nacional de Vivienda Rural (PNVR) ejecuta la intervención Sumaq
Wasi, esta atiende, a través de la entrega de una vivienda acondicionada
climáticamente, a la población rural en condiciones de riesgo frente a las heladas
y el friaje, que representa alrededor de 1 740 627 personas.
El PNVR ejecuta el programa a través de una modalidad simplificada
haciendo uso de los Núcleos Ejecutores (NE), esta organización de particulares
que residen en la comunidad, es la encargada de administrar los recursos
asignados para la construcción y entrega de los módulos habitacionales Sumaq
La intervención, ejecutada desde el 2019, solo ha logrado la cobertura del
32.47% de la población objetivo. En razón de ello, el presente proyecto atiende
este problema público aprovechando la oportunidad que representa una
intervención bajo la modalidad de NE, que se traduce en una mejor adaptación
a la realidad local, fomento de la participación de la comunidad, reducción de
plazos y costos, entre otros.
El proyecto desarrolla un prototipo de innovación denominado
Llapanmanta, este reconoce una serie de medidas que apuntan a mejorar la
adecuación de la intervención, a través de la diferenciación de aportes
comunitarios, el acompañamiento y la capacitación de los beneficiarios, para
asegurar el uso del módulo, y la entrega de un casco habitacional, para que la
familia receptora decida cómo distribuir el espacio, según sus necesidades.
Within the framework of the Multisectoral Plan against Frost and Cold (PMHF), the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) through the National Rural Housing Program (PNVR) executes the Sumaq Wasi intervention, it attends, through the delivery of a climatically conditioned house, to the rural population in conditions of risk in the face of frost and cold, which represents around 1,740,627 people. The PNVR executes the program through a simplified modality making use of the Executing Nuclei (NE), this organization of individuals residing in the community, is in charge of managing the resources assigned for the construction and delivery of the Sumaq Wasi housing modules. The intervention, executed since 2019, has only achieved coverage of 32.47% of the target population. For this reason, this project addresses this public problem, taking advantage of the opportunity represented by an intervention under the NE modality, which translates into a better adaptation to local reality, promotion of community participation, reduction of deadlines and costs, among others. The project develops an innovation prototype called Llapanmanta, this recognizes a series of measures that aim to improve the adequacy of the intervention, through the differentiation of community contributions, the accompaniment and training of the beneficiaries, to ensure the use of the module, and the delivery of a housing complex, so that the receiving family decides how to distribute the space, according to their needs.
Within the framework of the Multisectoral Plan against Frost and Cold (PMHF), the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) through the National Rural Housing Program (PNVR) executes the Sumaq Wasi intervention, it attends, through the delivery of a climatically conditioned house, to the rural population in conditions of risk in the face of frost and cold, which represents around 1,740,627 people. The PNVR executes the program through a simplified modality making use of the Executing Nuclei (NE), this organization of individuals residing in the community, is in charge of managing the resources assigned for the construction and delivery of the Sumaq Wasi housing modules. The intervention, executed since 2019, has only achieved coverage of 32.47% of the target population. For this reason, this project addresses this public problem, taking advantage of the opportunity represented by an intervention under the NE modality, which translates into a better adaptation to local reality, promotion of community participation, reduction of deadlines and costs, among others. The project develops an innovation prototype called Llapanmanta, this recognizes a series of measures that aim to improve the adequacy of the intervention, through the differentiation of community contributions, the accompaniment and training of the beneficiaries, to ensure the use of the module, and the delivery of a housing complex, so that the receiving family decides how to distribute the space, according to their needs.
Perú. Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento, Investigaciones evaluativas (Programas de acción social)--Perú, Construcción de viviendas--Factores climáticos--Perú, Población rural--Perú
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