Deficiente labor de investigación de los accidentes de aviación civil que viene realizando la Policía Nacional del Perú, desde el año 2003 hasta el 31 de julio del 2023, a nivel nacional, en donde estén involucrados aeronaves que realizan aviación comercial y aviación general en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
En el desarrollo de las actividades aéreas que vienen realizando las aeronaves que
ejecutan la categoría de vuelo denominada “aviación civil en el Perú”, existe la
posibilidad de que ocurra un accidente de aviación, el cual puede ocasionar muertes o
lesiones a las personas, así como daños al equipo.
En este contexto, cuando ocurren estos tipos de siniestros, la ley de aeronáutica civil
peruana establece que, estos eventos deben ser investigados, desde el punto de vista
aeronáutico, por una junta que se forma para tal efecto, el cual se denomina “Comisión
de Investigación de Accidentes de Aviación (CIAA)”. Las indagaciones que realizan
estas juntas se efectúan desde el punto de vista de la seguridad operacional y solo buscan
establecer las causas de dicho desastre, con la finalidad de emitir las recomendaciones del
caso a fin de que no vuelvan a ocurrir accidentes con causas similares y no son de carácter
punitivo, es decir no buscan determinar responsabilidades penales, civiles o
Ahora, esta misma ley de aeronáutica civil establece que, las autoridades policiales o
judiciales del Perú, pueden iniciar investigaciones independientes a las investigaciones
que realizan estas juntas, en vista que son de carácter público. Por esta razón, cuando
vienen ocurriendo accidentes de esta naturaleza en el Perú, en donde se hayan producido
muertes o sean de gran trascendencia, así como por las circunstancias del suceso, han
hecho presumir que se ha cometido un delito doloso o culposo, el Ministerio Publico (MP)
viene iniciando investigaciones paralelas, encargándole a cualquier unidad de la PNP a
nivel nacional para que realice las investigaciones preliminares del caso. Esto en vista
que la legislación policial no contempla que unidad debe de investigar. Sin importarle al
MP si estas unidades policiales se encuentran capacitadas o tienen experiencia para
investigar estos tipos de siniestros. Entonces, y debido a que, el personal policial que, por disposición fiscal, viene
investigando estos accidentes, desconocen de los procedimientos correctos de
investigación que existen para tal efecto, así como no tienen experiencia en el campo
aeronáutico, no vienen realizando las diligencias preliminares de investigación, en forma
correcta y lo más prontamente posible, en forma simultánea y paralela a la investigación
que realiza la CIAA. Indicándose que se vuelve crítico debido a que, estas diligencias
deben ser realizadas en forma correcta, por personal policial con conocimiento en la
materia y lo más prontamente posible, en forma paralela y simultánea a la investigación
que realiza la CIAA. A fin de que no exista el riesgo de que puedan ser borradas las
evidencias o huellas del delito, si lo hubiera, con la finalidad de poder llegar a la verdad
de los hechos y poder esclarecer las causas o circunstancias del mismo y de ser el caso
establecer las responsabilidades administrativas, civiles o penales de los presuntos
Entonces, se llega a la conclusión, producto de la indagación realizada, que se viene
presentando el problema público que es materia de este proyecto de innovación, el cual
se denomina “Deficiente labor de investigación de los accidentes de aviación civil que
viene realizando la Policía Nacional del Perú, desde el año 2003 hasta el 31 de julio del
2023, en donde estén involucrados aeronaves que realizan aviación comercial y aviación
general en el Perú”.
Por consiguiente y para mitigar o minimizar el problema publico materia del presente.
Los investigadores han llegado a la conclusión que la solución se daría con la
implementación de un paquete de intervenciones, los cuales son:
- Modificación del Artículo 20 del Reglamento de la Ley de la PNP, para
incrementar la función de investigación de estos tipos de accidentes a nivel
nacional a la División de Seguridad Aérea (DIVSEGAER) de la Dirección de
Aviación Policial (DIRAVPOL)
- Formulación de una Guía de procedimientos, a fin de que sirva de instrumento
normativo, con la finalidad de que establezca las funciones y procedimientos a
seguir de la Junta de Investigación de Accidentes de Aviación Civil (JIAAC) de
la DIRAVPOL. - Formulación de un Manual de Investigación de Accidentes de Aviación Civil a
fin de que sirva de consulta metodológica para investigar estos tipos de accidentes.
In the development of the aerial activities carried out by the aircraft that carry out the category of flight called “civil aviation in Peru”, there is the possibility of an aviation accident occurring, which can cause death or injury to people, as well as such as damage to equipment. In this context, when these types of accidents occur, the Peruvian civil aviation law establishes that these events must be investigated, from an aeronautical point of view, by a board that is formed for this purpose, which is called the “Commission of Aviation Accident Investigation (CIAA)”. The investigations carried out by these boards are carried out from the point of view of operational safety and only seek to establish the causes of that disaster, with the purpose of issuing the appropriate recommendations so that accidents with similar causes do not occur again. They are not punitive in nature, that is, they do not seek to determine criminal, civil or administrative responsibilities. Now, this same civil aviation law establishes that the police or judicial authorities of Peru can initiate investigations independent of the investigations carried out by these boards, given that they are public in nature. For this reason, when accidents of this nature occur in Peru, where deaths have occurred or are of great significance, as well as the circumstances of the event, it has been presumed that an intentional or culpable crime has been committed, the Ministry Publico (MP) has been initiating parallel investigations, entrusting any PNP unit nationwide to carry out preliminary investigations of the case. This is given that police legislation does not contemplate which unit should investigate. The MP does not care if these police units are trained or have experience to investigate these types of accidents. Then, and because the police personnel who, by fiscal provision, have been investigating these accidents, are unaware of the correct investigation procedures that exist for this purpose, as well as they do not have experience in the aeronautical field, they have not been carrying out the preliminary procedures. investigation, correctly and as promptly as possible, simultaneously and parallel to the investigation carried out by the CIAA. Indicating that it becomes critical because these procedures must be carried out correctly, by police personnel with knowledge of the matter and as promptly as possible, in parallel and simultaneous to the investigation carried out by the CIAA. So that there is no risk that the evidence or traces of the crime may be erased, if any, in order to be able to reach the truth of the facts and be able to clarify the causes or circumstances of the crime and, if applicable, establish the administrative, civil or criminal responsibilities of the alleged offenders. Then, the conclusion is reached, as a result of the investigation carried out, that the public problem that is the subject of this innovation project is being presented, which is called "Deficient investigation work of civil aviation accidents that the National Police of Perú has been carrying out, from 2003 to July 31, 2023, where aircraft that carry out commercial aviation and general aviation in Peru are involved. Consequently, and to mitigate or minimize the public problem that is the subject of the present. The researchers have come to the conclusion that the solution would come with the implementation of a package of interventions, which are: - Modification of Article 20 of the Regulations of the PNP Law, to increase the investigation function of these types of accidents at the national level to the Air Safety Division (DIVSEGAER) of the Police Aviation Directorate (DIRAVPOL) - Formulation of a Procedures Guide, in order to serve as a regulatory instrument, with the purpose of establishing the functions and procedures to be followed by the Civil Aviation Accident Investigation Board (JIAAC) of the DIRAVPOL. - Formulation of a Civil Aviation Accident Investigation Manual to serve as a methodological consultation to investigate these types of accidents.
In the development of the aerial activities carried out by the aircraft that carry out the category of flight called “civil aviation in Peru”, there is the possibility of an aviation accident occurring, which can cause death or injury to people, as well as such as damage to equipment. In this context, when these types of accidents occur, the Peruvian civil aviation law establishes that these events must be investigated, from an aeronautical point of view, by a board that is formed for this purpose, which is called the “Commission of Aviation Accident Investigation (CIAA)”. The investigations carried out by these boards are carried out from the point of view of operational safety and only seek to establish the causes of that disaster, with the purpose of issuing the appropriate recommendations so that accidents with similar causes do not occur again. They are not punitive in nature, that is, they do not seek to determine criminal, civil or administrative responsibilities. Now, this same civil aviation law establishes that the police or judicial authorities of Peru can initiate investigations independent of the investigations carried out by these boards, given that they are public in nature. For this reason, when accidents of this nature occur in Peru, where deaths have occurred or are of great significance, as well as the circumstances of the event, it has been presumed that an intentional or culpable crime has been committed, the Ministry Publico (MP) has been initiating parallel investigations, entrusting any PNP unit nationwide to carry out preliminary investigations of the case. This is given that police legislation does not contemplate which unit should investigate. The MP does not care if these police units are trained or have experience to investigate these types of accidents. Then, and because the police personnel who, by fiscal provision, have been investigating these accidents, are unaware of the correct investigation procedures that exist for this purpose, as well as they do not have experience in the aeronautical field, they have not been carrying out the preliminary procedures. investigation, correctly and as promptly as possible, simultaneously and parallel to the investigation carried out by the CIAA. Indicating that it becomes critical because these procedures must be carried out correctly, by police personnel with knowledge of the matter and as promptly as possible, in parallel and simultaneous to the investigation carried out by the CIAA. So that there is no risk that the evidence or traces of the crime may be erased, if any, in order to be able to reach the truth of the facts and be able to clarify the causes or circumstances of the crime and, if applicable, establish the administrative, civil or criminal responsibilities of the alleged offenders. Then, the conclusion is reached, as a result of the investigation carried out, that the public problem that is the subject of this innovation project is being presented, which is called "Deficient investigation work of civil aviation accidents that the National Police of Perú has been carrying out, from 2003 to July 31, 2023, where aircraft that carry out commercial aviation and general aviation in Peru are involved. Consequently, and to mitigate or minimize the public problem that is the subject of the present. The researchers have come to the conclusion that the solution would come with the implementation of a package of interventions, which are: - Modification of Article 20 of the Regulations of the PNP Law, to increase the investigation function of these types of accidents at the national level to the Air Safety Division (DIVSEGAER) of the Police Aviation Directorate (DIRAVPOL) - Formulation of a Procedures Guide, in order to serve as a regulatory instrument, with the purpose of establishing the functions and procedures to be followed by the Civil Aviation Accident Investigation Board (JIAAC) of the DIRAVPOL. - Formulation of a Civil Aviation Accident Investigation Manual to serve as a methodological consultation to investigate these types of accidents.
Policía Nacional (Perú), Accidentes aéreos--Perú, Aeronáutica--Legislación--Perú, Investigación de accidentes--Perú
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