Protesta social en el sur andino: participación ciudadana y gestión de los recursos generados por la actividad minera. Provincia de Espinar (Cusco) 2011-2013
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación busca contribuir a la compresión de la protesta social en el Perú, a partir
del análisis del “caso Espinar”, una provincia del departamento del Cusco, que ha venido
mostrando un significativo dinamismo económico asociado a la presencia minera, un
marcado nivel de conflictividad; además de ser un singular referente de estudio sobre
las complejas relaciones entre una corporación global minera y las comunidades
campesinas del entorno.
Tomando en cuenta las protestas desplegadas entre los años 2011 y 2012, identifica y
explica las principales limitaciones y dificultades que muestra el ejercicio de la
participación ciudadana en el ámbito de gestión de la Municipalidad Provincial de
Espinar y del Convenio Marco por el desarrollo de Espinar. Para ello analiza el
funcionamiento de los mecanismos institucionalizados de participación ciudadana en la
gestión local y el reconocimiento y valoración que le otorga la sociedad civil. Además,
presta atención a la naturaleza, funcionamiento y alcance de los mecanismos de
participación ciudadana en la ejecución del Convenio Marco por el desarrollo de Espinar.
Los resultados muestran que, en la Provincia de Espinar, en dos de los principales
espacios donde se gestionan recursos derivados de la actividad minera - la
Municipalidad Provincial de la Espinar y el Convenio Marco por el desarrollo de Espinar-
, la participación ciudadana no va más allá de constituirse en un acto informativo y no
de propuesta, vigilancia e incidencia, siendo reconocidos como limitados para canalizar
y procesar de manera efectiva las demandas sociales. Dado este contexto, los actores
sociales buscan canalizar parte de sus demandas haciéndolas visibles a través de la
protesta social.
The research seeks to contribute to the understanding of social protest in Peru, based on the analysis of the “Espinar case,” a province in the department of Cusco, which has been showing significant economic dynamism associated with the mining presence, a marked level of conflict; as well as being reference for studying the complex relationships between a global mining corporation and the surrounding rural communities. Taking into account the protests between 2011 and 2012, it identifies and explains the main limitations and difficulties shown by the exercise of citizen participation in of management of the Espinar Provincial Municipality and the Framework Agreement for the development of Espinar. To do this, it analyzes the functioning of the institutionalized mechanisms of citizen participation in local management and the recognition and valuation that civil society grants it. In addition, it pays attention to the nature, operation and scope of the mechanisms for citizen participation in the execution of the Framework Agreement for the development of Espinar. The results show that in the Espinar Province, in two of the main areas where resources derived from mining activities are managed - the Espinar Provincial Municipality and the Framework Agreement for the development of Espinar-, citizen participation does not go beyond of constituting an informative act and not of proposal, surveillance and incidence, being recognized as limited to channel and effectively process social demands. Given this context, social actors seek to channel part of their demands by making them visible through social protest.
The research seeks to contribute to the understanding of social protest in Peru, based on the analysis of the “Espinar case,” a province in the department of Cusco, which has been showing significant economic dynamism associated with the mining presence, a marked level of conflict; as well as being reference for studying the complex relationships between a global mining corporation and the surrounding rural communities. Taking into account the protests between 2011 and 2012, it identifies and explains the main limitations and difficulties shown by the exercise of citizen participation in of management of the Espinar Provincial Municipality and the Framework Agreement for the development of Espinar. To do this, it analyzes the functioning of the institutionalized mechanisms of citizen participation in local management and the recognition and valuation that civil society grants it. In addition, it pays attention to the nature, operation and scope of the mechanisms for citizen participation in the execution of the Framework Agreement for the development of Espinar. The results show that in the Espinar Province, in two of the main areas where resources derived from mining activities are managed - the Espinar Provincial Municipality and the Framework Agreement for the development of Espinar-, citizen participation does not go beyond of constituting an informative act and not of proposal, surveillance and incidence, being recognized as limited to channel and effectively process social demands. Given this context, social actors seek to channel part of their demands by making them visible through social protest.
Administración pública--Perú--Espinar (Cuzco : Provincia)--Participación ciudadana, Industria minera--Perú--Espinar (Cuzco : Provincia), Movimientos sociales--Perú--Espinar (Cuzco : Provincia), Conflicto social--Perú--Espinar (Cuzco : Provincia)
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