Percepciones de los docentes de primaria sobre sus competencias digitales en el contexto post emergencia sanitaria en una institución educativa privada de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación resulta de la necesidad de evaluar las percepciones de los
docentes sobre sus competencias digitales luego de dos años de educación remota.
El principal motivo de ello se centra en evidenciar los avances y nuevos aprendizajes
de los docentes con la finalidad de demostrar la importancia del desarrollo de las
competencias digitales y su impacto en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de sus
estudiantes. En ese sentido, se plantea como objetivo general analizar las
percepciones de los docentes de primaria sobre sus competencias digitales en el
contexto post emergencia sanitaria en una institución educativa privada de Lima
Metropolitana. La investigación es descriptiva con enfoque cualitativo, y permite
evidenciar que los docentes poseen percepciones que se alinean con lo que propone
la literatura sobre las competencias digitales docentes. Como conclusión principal, de
acuerdo al modelo de progresión presentado en el MRCDC del 2020, los docentes
perciben que poseen algunos conceptos previos que les permiten integrar recursos;
sin embargo, reconocen que aún no han desarrollado el nivel óptimo de competencia
digital que les permita aplicarlo en su práctica docente de forma autónoma y
respondiendo a los retos emergentes de la profesión. Finalmente, como se
recomienda que los docentes tengan una mayor exposición al MRCDC del 2020 con
la finalidad de un mejor manejo teórico que les permita comprender las competencias
que facilitarán el manejo, implementación y desarrollo de tecnologías que impacten
de manera positiva en su comunidad.
The research results from the need to evaluate teachers' perceptions of their digital skills after two years of remote education. The main reason for this is focused on demonstrating the progress and new learning of teachers in order to demonstrate the importance of developing digital skills and their impact on the teaching and learning process of their students. In this sense, the general objective is to analyze the perceptions of primary school teachers about their digital skills in the post-sanitary emergency context in a private educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. The research is descriptive with a qualitative approach, and makes it possible to show that teachers have perceptions that are in line with what the literature on digital teacher competencies proposes. As a main conclusion, according to the progression model presented in the 2020 MRCDC, teachers perceive that they have some concepts that allow them to integrate resources; however, they still do not develop the optimal level of digital competence to apply it in teaching practice autonomously and responding to the emerging challenges of the profession. Finally, it is recommended that teachers should have a greater exposure to the 2020 MRCDC in order to have a better theoretical management that allows them to understand the skills that will facilitate the management, implementation, and development of technologies that will have a positive impact on their community.
The research results from the need to evaluate teachers' perceptions of their digital skills after two years of remote education. The main reason for this is focused on demonstrating the progress and new learning of teachers in order to demonstrate the importance of developing digital skills and their impact on the teaching and learning process of their students. In this sense, the general objective is to analyze the perceptions of primary school teachers about their digital skills in the post-sanitary emergency context in a private educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. The research is descriptive with a qualitative approach, and makes it possible to show that teachers have perceptions that are in line with what the literature on digital teacher competencies proposes. As a main conclusion, according to the progression model presented in the 2020 MRCDC, teachers perceive that they have some concepts that allow them to integrate resources; however, they still do not develop the optimal level of digital competence to apply it in teaching practice autonomously and responding to the emerging challenges of the profession. Finally, it is recommended that teachers should have a greater exposure to the 2020 MRCDC in order to have a better theoretical management that allows them to understand the skills that will facilitate the management, implementation, and development of technologies that will have a positive impact on their community.
Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020---Aspectos educativos--Perú, Educación primaria--Investigaciones, Habilidades informativas--Estudio y enseñanza, Personal docente--Actitudes, Educación virtual
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