Buenas prácticas en la gestión de componentes de capital de trabajo casos de cuatro empresas peruanas del sector comercio exterior durante el periodo 2015-2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal el mostrar las buenas prácticas en
la gestión de capital de trabajo de las principales empresas del sector de comercio exterior.
Asimismo, a través de un análisis descriptivo identificar si las prácticas que estas empresas
utilizan para una adecuada gestión de trabajo han tenido un impacto en la rentabilidad y la
liquidez durante el periodo 2015-2018. Para este fin se seleccionaron a cuatro empresas del
sector comercio exterior mediante la aplicación de criterios.
De la literatura revisada se muestra que identificar las buenas prácticas para una
adecuada gestión del capital de trabajo se fundamenta en la necesidad de agregar valor a la
empresa que le permita mantener un desarrollo y crecimiento económico sostenible a lo
largo de su ciclo de vida. No obstante, para el caso peruano no se encuentra estudios
referentes a la identificación de las buenas prácticas de la gestión de capital de trabajo de
empresas del sector de comercio exterior, con lo cual surge la necesidad de la presente
tesis. Por tal razón, con el propósito de describir las buenas prácticas para la gestión de
capital de trabajo en las empresas de comercio exterior se realizó un estudio de enfoque
cualitativo, a través de entrevistas a los responsables del área de finanzas de las empresas
seleccionadas y se contrastó la información obtenida con la literatura revisada. Los
resultados mostraron que las cuatro empresas coincidieron que el principal componente del
capital de trabajo para gestionar, fueron las cuentas por cobrar. Para ello realizan diferentes
prácticas, entre las cuales tienen: (a) otorgamiento de monto de crédito a sus clientes en
función a evaluación de riesgo crediticio; (b) gestión de cobranza; (c) utilización de
confirming y letras de descuentos. Asimismo, las buenas prácticas llevadas por los agentes
de aduanas no tuvieron un impacto directo en la rentabilidad, y prefirieron mantener la
liquidez. En el caso de los operadores logísticos, prefirieron moderados niveles de liquidez
por niveles altos de rentabilidad, por encima de la industria mundial.
The main objective of this study is to show good practices in the management of working capital of the main companies in the foreign trade sector. Likewise, through a descriptive analysis, identify whether the practices that these companies use for proper work management have had an impact on profitability and liquidity during the 2015-2018 period. For this purpose, four companies from the foreign trade sector were selected through the application of criteria. The literature reviewed shows that identifying good practices for proper management of working capital is based on the need to add value to the company that allows it to maintain sustainable economic development and growth throughout its life cycle. However, for the peruvian case there are no studies regarding the identification of the good practices of the Working Capital Management of companies in the foreign trade sector, with which the need for this thesis arises. For this reason, with the purpose of describing good practices for the management of working capital in foreign trade companies, a qualitative approach study was carried out, through interviews with the heads of the finance area of the selected companies and contrasted the information obtained with the literature reviewed. The results showed that the four companies agreed that the main component of the working capital to manage was the accounts receivable. For this, they carry out different practices, among which they have: (a) granting of credit amount to their clients based on credit risk assessment; (b) collection management; (c) use of confirming and discount letters. Likewise, good practices carried out by customs agents did not have a direct impact on profitability, and preferred to maintain liquidity. In the case of logistics operators, they preferred moderate levels of liquidity for high levels of profitability, over the global industry.
The main objective of this study is to show good practices in the management of working capital of the main companies in the foreign trade sector. Likewise, through a descriptive analysis, identify whether the practices that these companies use for proper work management have had an impact on profitability and liquidity during the 2015-2018 period. For this purpose, four companies from the foreign trade sector were selected through the application of criteria. The literature reviewed shows that identifying good practices for proper management of working capital is based on the need to add value to the company that allows it to maintain sustainable economic development and growth throughout its life cycle. However, for the peruvian case there are no studies regarding the identification of the good practices of the Working Capital Management of companies in the foreign trade sector, with which the need for this thesis arises. For this reason, with the purpose of describing good practices for the management of working capital in foreign trade companies, a qualitative approach study was carried out, through interviews with the heads of the finance area of the selected companies and contrasted the information obtained with the literature reviewed. The results showed that the four companies agreed that the main component of the working capital to manage was the accounts receivable. For this, they carry out different practices, among which they have: (a) granting of credit amount to their clients based on credit risk assessment; (b) collection management; (c) use of confirming and discount letters. Likewise, good practices carried out by customs agents did not have a direct impact on profitability, and preferred to maintain liquidity. In the case of logistics operators, they preferred moderate levels of liquidity for high levels of profitability, over the global industry.
Capital de trabajo, Comercio exterior