Gigantes del Mar Peruano: Proyecto editorial ilustrado dirigido a niños como medio para divulgar acerca de los descubrimientos de la paleontología en la costa peruana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las ciencias se han apoyado de las artes visuales desde sus inicios. En el caso de la
paleontología, este es especialmente dependiente de las artes para poder visualizar, por medio
de reconstrucciones e interpretaciones, especies que ya no existen. De esta intersección entre el
arte y la ciencia nace una rama conocida como ilustración científica, y un subgénero que se
dedica a representar todo lo relacionado a la paleontología, denominado paleoarte.
La paleontología en el Perú es un campo de las ciencias naturales que se encuentra en
actual desarrollo, y tiene mucho que ofrecer al resto del mundo en cuanto a diversidad de
animales marinos y mamíferos prehistóricos. Pese a ello, estos avances y descubrimientos pasan
desapercibidos por la mayoría de peruanos. Sumado a esto, el rubro de los libros sobre animales
prehistóricos, mayoritariamente orientado a niños, está dominado por dinosaurios y limitado a
los hallazgos realizados en Norteamérica y Europa.
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo indagar y proponer una solución a la
aparente brecha de conocimientos sobre paleontología peruana en niños de 8 a 12 años y la falta
de recursos gráficos de paleontología peruana; así como descubrir el estado actual de la
ilustración científica y el paleoarte en el Perú. En respuesta a este problema, surge el proyecto
editorial Gigantes del Mar Peruano, un libro ilustrado de no ficción para niños, con personajes
inspirados en los grandes vertebrados prehistóricos hallados en la costa peruana (Formación
Pisco) para introducir temas de paleontología, ecología y evolución.
Science has relied on the visual arts since its beginnings. In the case of paleontology, it is especially dependent on the arts to be able to visualize, through reconstructions and artistic interpretations, species that no longer exist. From the intersection between art and science, a branch known as scientific illustration is born, and a subgenre that is dedicated to representing everything related to paleontology, known as paleoart. In Peru, paleontology is a natural science field that is currently in development, and has much to offer the rest of the world in terms of diversity of prehistoric marine animals and mammals. Despite this, said advances and discoveries go unnoticed by the majority of peruvian people. In addition to this, the field of books about prehistoric animals, mostly directed towards children, is dominated by dinosaurs and limited to finds that have been made in North America and Europe. The objective of this research was to investigate and propose a solution to the apparent gap in knowledge about peruvian paleontology in children from 8 to 12 years old and the lack of graphic resources on peruvian paleontology; as well as to discover the current state of scientific illustration and paleoart in Peru. In response to this problem, the publishing project Gigantes del Mar Peruano emerged, an illustrated non-fiction book aimed for children, with characters inspired by the large prehistoric vertebrates found on the peruvian coast (Pisco Formation) as an mean to introduce topics of paleontology, ecology and evolution.
Science has relied on the visual arts since its beginnings. In the case of paleontology, it is especially dependent on the arts to be able to visualize, through reconstructions and artistic interpretations, species that no longer exist. From the intersection between art and science, a branch known as scientific illustration is born, and a subgenre that is dedicated to representing everything related to paleontology, known as paleoart. In Peru, paleontology is a natural science field that is currently in development, and has much to offer the rest of the world in terms of diversity of prehistoric marine animals and mammals. Despite this, said advances and discoveries go unnoticed by the majority of peruvian people. In addition to this, the field of books about prehistoric animals, mostly directed towards children, is dominated by dinosaurs and limited to finds that have been made in North America and Europe. The objective of this research was to investigate and propose a solution to the apparent gap in knowledge about peruvian paleontology in children from 8 to 12 years old and the lack of graphic resources on peruvian paleontology; as well as to discover the current state of scientific illustration and paleoart in Peru. In response to this problem, the publishing project Gigantes del Mar Peruano emerged, an illustrated non-fiction book aimed for children, with characters inspired by the large prehistoric vertebrates found on the peruvian coast (Pisco Formation) as an mean to introduce topics of paleontology, ecology and evolution.
Libros ilustrados para niños--Perú, Paleontología--Estudio y enseñanza--Perú--Obras ilustradas, Paleontología--Estudio y enseñanza--Perú--Literatura juvenil
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