Las emociones y el voto en las elecciones peruanas del 2021
Rosales Zanabria, Dominique Gianella
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación plantea como objetivo general analizar la relación entre las
emociones y la conducta de voto tras la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales del
2021 durante el contexto de emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19. Se aplicaron encuestas a
206 peruanos(as), de los(as) cuales el 53.4% votaron por Keiko Fujimori, el 30.6% por Pedro
Castillo y el 16.0% en blanco o viciado. Se halló que las emociones de alegría y vergüenza
influyeron en la cercanía hacia la candidatura de Pedro Castillo; mientras que el desprecio, la
alegría e interés influyeron en la cercanía con la candidatura de Keiko Fujimori. Asimismo, la
emoción de sorpresa frente a Keiko Fujimori tuvo un efecto dentro de la conducta de voto a
favor de Pedro Castillo. Se resalta, además, el efecto de los estereotipos referidos a la calidez
y competencia hacia los(as) votantes de ambas candidaturas dentro de la cercanía a la
propuesta política de Fujimori y de Castillo, así como en la conducta de voto.
The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between emotions and voting behavior after the second round of the 2021 Peruvian presidential elections during the context of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. For this purpose, surveys were applied to 206 Peruvians, of which 53.4% voted in favor of Keiko Fujimori, 30.6% in favor of Pedro Castillo, and 16.0% blank or flawed. It was found that the emotions of joy and shame had a predictive role within the models of closeness to the candidacy of Pedro Castillo; while contempt, joy and interest predicted the closeness to the candidacy of Keiko Fujimori. Moreover, the emotion of surprise related to Keiko Fujimori had an effect on the voting behavior in favor of Pedro Castillo. The effect of the stereotypes -including the ones referring to the warmth and competition - towards the voters of both candidates is highlighted within the perception of proximity between the political proposal of the candidate and the vision of the country, as well as in the voting behavior.
The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between emotions and voting behavior after the second round of the 2021 Peruvian presidential elections during the context of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. For this purpose, surveys were applied to 206 Peruvians, of which 53.4% voted in favor of Keiko Fujimori, 30.6% in favor of Pedro Castillo, and 16.0% blank or flawed. It was found that the emotions of joy and shame had a predictive role within the models of closeness to the candidacy of Pedro Castillo; while contempt, joy and interest predicted the closeness to the candidacy of Keiko Fujimori. Moreover, the emotion of surprise related to Keiko Fujimori had an effect on the voting behavior in favor of Pedro Castillo. The effect of the stereotypes -including the ones referring to the warmth and competition - towards the voters of both candidates is highlighted within the perception of proximity between the political proposal of the candidate and the vision of the country, as well as in the voting behavior.
Votación--Aspectos psicológicos, Emociones--Aspectos políticos, Elecciones--Perú
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