El trabajo cooperativo como estrategia didáctica en el desarrollo de competencias sociales en educación básica regular
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación aborda el tema del trabajo cooperativo como estrategia
didáctica en el desarrollo de competencias sociales en la educación básica regular. El
problema que se atiende se refiere a que los profesores carecen de claridad en el
conocimiento de las características, condiciones y actividades que implica el
desarrollo de esta estrategia y que los estudiantes encuentran dificultades para
realizar tareas asignadas a su equipo de trabajo cooperativo. Las dificultades se
deben a factores como la poca claridad de las indicaciones de los profesores de qué,
cómo, cuándo, con qué, con quién, realizar la actividad y al escaso desarrollo y
práctica de habilidades sociales de los estudiantes. El objetivo principal es el de
analizar la importancia del trabajo cooperativo como estrategia didáctica en el
desarrollo de competencias sociales en la educación básica regular. La metodología
es de tipo documental, la cual consiste en la consulta de fuentes bibliográficas
confiables publicadas entre los años 2013 al 2023. Posteriormente se realiza la
selección y organización, para luego pasar a la interpretación y análisis de la
información. La principal conclusión que se llega en la investigación es que la
estrategia del trabajo cooperativo, cuando es bien intencionada, favorece, en todas
las áreas, el desarrollo de competencias sociales en los estudiantes de la educación
básica regular. Este trabajo permite que los docentes y estudiantes conozcan y hagan
uso de la estrategia para el logro de competencias.
The present research addresses the topic of cooperative work as a didactic strategy in the development of social competencies in regular basic education. The problem being addressed refers to the fact that teachers lack clarity in their knowledge of the characteristics, conditions and activities involved in the development of this strategy and that students find it difficult to carry out tasks assigned to their cooperative work team. The difficulties are due to factors such as the lack of clarity of the teachers' instructions on what, how, when, with what, with whom, to carry out the activity and the poor development and practice of the students' social skills. The main objective is to analyze the importance of cooperative work as a didactic strategy in the development of social competencies in regular basic education. The methodology is documentary type, which consists of consulting reliable bibliographic sources published between the years 2013 to 2023. Subsequently, the selection and organization are carried out, and then proceed to the interpretation and analysis of the information. The main conclusion reached in the research is that the cooperative work strategy, when well-intentioned, favors, in all areas, the development of social skills in regular basic education students. This work allows teachers and students to know and use the strategy to achieve competencies.
The present research addresses the topic of cooperative work as a didactic strategy in the development of social competencies in regular basic education. The problem being addressed refers to the fact that teachers lack clarity in their knowledge of the characteristics, conditions and activities involved in the development of this strategy and that students find it difficult to carry out tasks assigned to their cooperative work team. The difficulties are due to factors such as the lack of clarity of the teachers' instructions on what, how, when, with what, with whom, to carry out the activity and the poor development and practice of the students' social skills. The main objective is to analyze the importance of cooperative work as a didactic strategy in the development of social competencies in regular basic education. The methodology is documentary type, which consists of consulting reliable bibliographic sources published between the years 2013 to 2023. Subsequently, the selection and organization are carried out, and then proceed to the interpretation and analysis of the information. The main conclusion reached in the research is that the cooperative work strategy, when well-intentioned, favors, in all areas, the development of social skills in regular basic education students. This work allows teachers and students to know and use the strategy to achieve competencies.
Trabajo en grupos (Educación), Habilidades sociales--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación primaria--Investigaciones, Aprendizaje (Educación)--Metodología
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