Limitación al acceso en el empleo público del régimen laboral especial de la Contratación Administrativa de Servicios por vínculos de consanguinidad o afinidad, en aplicación de los impedimentos regulados por la Ley de Contrataciones con el Estado
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo de investigación versa sobre el criterio de la Autoridad Nacional del
Servicio Civil en su calidad de ente rector del Sistema Administrativo de Gestión de
Recursos Humanos del Estado, establecido a través de sus informes técnicos, para
aplicar los impedimentos para ser proveedor del Estado establecidos en el artículo 11°
de la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado, los cuales son extensivos al cónyuge,
conviviente o a sus parientes hasta el segundo grado de consanguinidad y segundo de
afinidad de las autoridades señaladas en el citado artículo, a los servidores que se
encuentran bajo el Régimen Especial de Contratación Administrativa de Servicios,
determinando que de configurarse este supuesto, es decir, de encontrarse comprendidos
en los impedimentos del artículo 11° de la Ley de Contrataciones con el Estado, las
entidades públicas deben proceder a su inmediato despido.
Considero que no existe una justificación constitucional razonable para limitar el
ejercicio del derecho al trabajo, así como el acceso y permanencia en el empleo público
por criterios basados en lazos de consanguinidad o afinidad con persona alguna; y que
no podrían aplicarse impedimentos previstos en normas de una contratación pública de
bienes y servicios, a un régimen de carácter laboral como el que constituye el régimen
laboral de Contratación Administrativa de Servicios, siendo aplicables a este los
impedimentos que regulan el servicio civil. Por ello para reforzar mi planteamiento
recorro a las distintas fuentes del derecho, la normativa, la jurisprudencia y la doctrina.
This research work deals with the criteria of the National Civil Service Authority in its capacity as the governing body of the Administrative System for the Management of Human Resources of the State, established through its technical reports, to apply the impediments to be a provider of the State established in Article 11 of the State Contracting Law, which are extended to the spouse, partner or their relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity of the authorities indicated in the aforementioned article, to the servers who are under the Special Regime for Administrative Contracting of Services, determining that if this assumption is configured, that is, if they are included in the impediments of article 11 of the Law of Contracting with the State, public entities must proceed to their immediate dismissal. I believe that there is no reasonable constitutional justification for limiting the exercise of the right to work, as well as access and permanence in public employment by criteria based on ties of consanguinity or affinity with any person; and that impediments provided for in the norms of a public procurement of goods and services could not be applied to a labor regime such as that constituted by the labor regime of Administrative Contracting of Services, the impediments that regulate the civil service being applicable to this. Therefore, to reinforce my approach, I go to the different sources of law, regulations, jurisprudence and doctrine.
This research work deals with the criteria of the National Civil Service Authority in its capacity as the governing body of the Administrative System for the Management of Human Resources of the State, established through its technical reports, to apply the impediments to be a provider of the State established in Article 11 of the State Contracting Law, which are extended to the spouse, partner or their relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity of the authorities indicated in the aforementioned article, to the servers who are under the Special Regime for Administrative Contracting of Services, determining that if this assumption is configured, that is, if they are included in the impediments of article 11 of the Law of Contracting with the State, public entities must proceed to their immediate dismissal. I believe that there is no reasonable constitutional justification for limiting the exercise of the right to work, as well as access and permanence in public employment by criteria based on ties of consanguinity or affinity with any person; and that impediments provided for in the norms of a public procurement of goods and services could not be applied to a labor regime such as that constituted by the labor regime of Administrative Contracting of Services, the impediments that regulate the civil service being applicable to this. Therefore, to reinforce my approach, I go to the different sources of law, regulations, jurisprudence and doctrine.
Contratos públicos--Legislación--Perú, Servicio civil--Legislación--Perú
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