Testimonio, memoria y participación en la acción colectiva de mujeres feministas universitarias
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El testimonio virtual de violencia de género es un fenómeno contemporáneo que ha
funcionado como herramienta para reivindicar las experiencias personales y
colectivas de las mujeres universitarias. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo
analizar cuál es su rol como facilitador de la memoria colectiva y de la participación
en la acción colectiva feminista universitaria en mujeres jóvenes de Lima
Metropolitana. Para ello, se utilizó un abordaje cualitativo, basado específicamente en
un diseño fenomenológico interpretativo. Entre los principales hallazgos se encuentra
que el testimonio funciona como organizador y articulador de las vivencias personales
de las estudiantes universitarias, pero también como conector de experiencias e
impulsor de la acción colectiva feminista en la universidad. Además, se destaca la
relevancia del contexto como elemento determinante de la manera en el que operan y
circulan los testimonios, dado que por sus particularidades se genera la construcción
de memoria y acción colectiva.
The virtual testimony of gender violence is a contemporary phenomenon that has functioned as a tool to vindicate the personal and collective experiences of university women. The present research aims to analyze its role as a facilitator of collective memory and participation in university feminist collective action in young women from Lima Metropolina. For this, a qualitative approach was used, specifically based on an interpretive phenomenological design. Among the main findings is that the testimony functions as an organizer and articulator of the personal experiences of university students, but also as a connector of experiences and a promoter of feminist collective action in the university. In addition, the relevance of the context is highlighted as a determining element in the way in which the testimonies operate and circulate, given that due to its particularities the construction of memory and collective action is generated.
The virtual testimony of gender violence is a contemporary phenomenon that has functioned as a tool to vindicate the personal and collective experiences of university women. The present research aims to analyze its role as a facilitator of collective memory and participation in university feminist collective action in young women from Lima Metropolina. For this, a qualitative approach was used, specifically based on an interpretive phenomenological design. Among the main findings is that the testimony functions as an organizer and articulator of the personal experiences of university students, but also as a connector of experiences and a promoter of feminist collective action in the university. In addition, the relevance of the context is highlighted as a determining element in the way in which the testimonies operate and circulate, given that due to its particularities the construction of memory and collective action is generated.
Memoria colectiva--Perú, Estudiantes universitarios--Perú--Testimonios, Violencia de género--Perú
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