Estrategias didácticas aplicadas por una docente para desarrollar la competencia “Resuelve problemas de cantidad” en estudiantes de segundo grado de primaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las estrategias didácticas empleadas por docentes en matemática permiten favorecer
la comprensión de conceptos matemáticos y la capacidad de que los estudiantes
resuelvan problemas matemáticos. En ese sentido, el principal objetivo de este estudio
es analizar las estrategias didácticas aplicadas por una docente para promover el
desarrollo de la competencia “Resuelve problemas de cantidad” en estudiantes de
segundo grado de primaria en una institución educativa pública de Lima Metropolitana.
Con esto se pretende compartir información académica sobre la aplicación de
estrategias didácticas en la enseñanza de la matemática, por parte de una docente
para desarrollar la competencia mencionada, la cual sirva de punto de partida para
futuras investigaciones. Este estudio se desarrolla desde un enfoque cualitativo, de
tipo descriptivo. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos para el recojo de información, la técnica
de entrevista y la observación no participante, las cuales fueron aplicadas a una
docente. Esta permitió comprobar que la docente empleaba estrategias didácticas
durante la enseñanza de Matemática. Una de ellas es la estrategia del juego, en la
que se favorece el aprendizaje de diversos conceptos matemáticos usando materiales
como tapas, Yupana y material base 10. Y la otra es la estrategia de resolución de
problemas de matemática según George Polya donde se evidenció que la docente
promueve el uso de representaciones y la reflexión constante.
The didactic strategies that mathematics teachers use allow them to promote the comprehension of mathematical concepts and the ability of students to solve mathematical problems. In this sense, the main objective of this study is to analyze the didactic strategies applied by a teacher to promote the development of the competence "Solve quantity problems" in second-grade primary school students in a public school in Metropolitan Lima. The aim is to share academic information on the application of didactic strategies in the teaching of mathematics by a teacher to develop the aforementioned competence, which will serve as a starting point for forthcoming research. This study is developed from a qualitative, descriptive approach. Two instruments were used to collect information, the interview technique and non participant observation, which were applied to a teacher. This allowed us to verify that the educator used didactic strategies during the teaching of mathematics. One of them is the game strategy, which favors the learning of various mathematical concepts using materials such as tapas, Yupana and base 10 material. The other is the strategy of solving mathematical problems according to George Polya, where it was shown that the teacher promotes the use of representations and constant reflection.
The didactic strategies that mathematics teachers use allow them to promote the comprehension of mathematical concepts and the ability of students to solve mathematical problems. In this sense, the main objective of this study is to analyze the didactic strategies applied by a teacher to promote the development of the competence "Solve quantity problems" in second-grade primary school students in a public school in Metropolitan Lima. The aim is to share academic information on the application of didactic strategies in the teaching of mathematics by a teacher to develop the aforementioned competence, which will serve as a starting point for forthcoming research. This study is developed from a qualitative, descriptive approach. Two instruments were used to collect information, the interview technique and non participant observation, which were applied to a teacher. This allowed us to verify that the educator used didactic strategies during the teaching of mathematics. One of them is the game strategy, which favors the learning of various mathematical concepts using materials such as tapas, Yupana and base 10 material. The other is the strategy of solving mathematical problems according to George Polya, where it was shown that the teacher promotes the use of representations and constant reflection.
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Juegos educativos, Resolución de problemas
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