Los medios de investigación periodísticos independientes en la lucha anticorrupción: Un análisis del caso “CNM Audios” de IDL- Reporteros y sus repercusiones hacia las autoridades y la ciudadanía
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el 2018, IDL-Reporteros difundió audios en los que se involucraban a autoridades del
aparato judicial peruano en tráfico de influencias, manipulación de sentencias, sobornos, entre
otros actos delictivos. La cobertura periodística propuesta por el medio reflejó el buen quehacer
periodístico al utilizar técnicas y métodos del periodismo de investigación, lo que generó
repercusiones tangibles y rápidas por parte de las autoridades y de la ciudadanía en el marco
de la lucha anticorrupción. A raíz de este contexto, la presente investigación indaga las
consecuencias de la serie de reportajes “CNM Audios” en la lucha anticorrupción, el trabajo
periodístico de IDL-Reporteros en la elaboración de los reportajes de investigación y los
procedimientos de toma de decisiones gubernamentales y participación ciudadana. El enfoque
metodológico es mixto con un diseño de Estudio de Caso. Para ello, se aplicó el análisis de
contenido, tanto a los reportajes como a los eventos digitales que ocurrieron en un periodo
específico de la cúspide mediática del escándalo político, desde el 7 de julio hasta el 19 de
agosto del 2018: en esa muestra, se delimitaron 19 reportajes publicados por IDL-Reporteros
y las dos organizaciones de marchas en Facebook. Asimismo, se complementó el análisis con
las entrevistas a los miembros de IDL-Reporteros y Justicia Viva. Como resultados finales, se
concluye que a raíz de un dato disparador (la entrega de audios anónimos a IDL-R) y el uso de
métodos, técnicas y estrategias del periodismo de investigación (watchdog, transparencia
periodística y estándares de calidad), el medio pudo evidenciar los actos de corrupción,
suscitando indignación en la ciudadanía y forzando a las autoridades a dar una respuesta
inmediata, especialmente, en un caso de escándalo político mediático.
In 2018, IDL-Reporteros released audio recordings implicating Peruvian judicial authorities in influence peddling, sentence manipulation, bribery, and other criminal activities. The journalistic coverage provided by this media outlet exemplified high standards of investigative journalism through the application of investigative techniques and methods. This led to significant and prompt reactions from both authorities and the public within the context of the anti-corruption campaign. This research examines the impact of the “CNM Audios” series on anti-corruption efforts, the journalistic practices of IDL-Reporteros in producing these investigative reports, and the implications for governmental decision-making processes and citizen participation. The study employs a mixed-methods approach with a Case Study design. Content analysis was applied to both the reports and the digital events occurring during the peak media period of the political scandal, from July 7 to August 19, 2018. This analysis focused on 19 reports published by IDL-Reporteros and two organizations coordinating marches on Facebook. Additionally, the analysis was supplemented with interviews with members of IDL-Reporteros and Justicia Viva. The findings indicate that the delivery of anonymous recordings to IDL-Reporteros, combined with the use of investigative journalism methods, techniques, and strategies (such as watchdog journalism, journalistic transparency, and adherence to quality standards), enabled the media outlet to expose acts of corruption. This exposure generated public outrage and forced authorities to respond swiftly, particularly in the context of a media-driven political scandal.
In 2018, IDL-Reporteros released audio recordings implicating Peruvian judicial authorities in influence peddling, sentence manipulation, bribery, and other criminal activities. The journalistic coverage provided by this media outlet exemplified high standards of investigative journalism through the application of investigative techniques and methods. This led to significant and prompt reactions from both authorities and the public within the context of the anti-corruption campaign. This research examines the impact of the “CNM Audios” series on anti-corruption efforts, the journalistic practices of IDL-Reporteros in producing these investigative reports, and the implications for governmental decision-making processes and citizen participation. The study employs a mixed-methods approach with a Case Study design. Content analysis was applied to both the reports and the digital events occurring during the peak media period of the political scandal, from July 7 to August 19, 2018. This analysis focused on 19 reports published by IDL-Reporteros and two organizations coordinating marches on Facebook. Additionally, the analysis was supplemented with interviews with members of IDL-Reporteros and Justicia Viva. The findings indicate that the delivery of anonymous recordings to IDL-Reporteros, combined with the use of investigative journalism methods, techniques, and strategies (such as watchdog journalism, journalistic transparency, and adherence to quality standards), enabled the media outlet to expose acts of corruption. This exposure generated public outrage and forced authorities to respond swiftly, particularly in the context of a media-driven political scandal.
Periodismo de investigación--Perú--Siglo XXI, Corrupción--Perú--Siglo XXI, Perú--Política y gobierno--Siglo XXI
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