Competencias del perfil de egreso de la licenciatura en Psicología de la PUCP a través de las Prácticas Preprofesionales en una institución educativa particular de inmersión alemana en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento da a conocer las competencias desarrolladas como parte de
perfil de egreso de la licenciatura PUCP que tiene como principal objetivo describir los
logros de aprendizaje alcanzados en las competencias profesionales de diagnóstica, interviene
y evalúa en el periodo de prácticas preprofesionales llevados a cabo en un Colegio Privado de
Lima Metropolitana. El área donde me desarrollé fue “Apoyo Individual” el cual tiene como
propósito el optimizar las estrategias de aprendizaje de los/las estudiantes que lo necesitan
para adquirir las competencias propuestas por la ya mencionada institución.
En este sentido, respondiendo a la competencia de diagnóstica se aplicaron observaciones
para obtener información de la parte académica y comportamental de los/las estudiantes. En
lo que respecta a la competencia de intervención, se realizaron talleres para brindar apoyo en
el área de habilidades básicas para el aprendizaje y organización académica. En lo
relacionado a la competencia evalúa se centró en lo que se hizo para evaluar la intervención
durante el tiempo de prácticas pre profesionales.
This document discloses the skills developed as part of the graduate profile of the PUCP degree, whose main objective is to describe the learning achievements achieved in the professional skills of intervening and evaluating in the period of pre-professional practices carried out in a College. Private Metropolitan Lima. The area where I developed was "Individual Support" whose purpose is to optimize the learning strategies of students who need it to acquire the skills proposed by the institution above. In this sense, responding to the diagnostic competence, they applied observations to obtain information on the academic and behavioral part of the students. Regarding intervention competence, workshops were held to provide support in the area of basic skills for learning and academic organization. In relation to the competence evaluated, it focused on what was done to evaluate the intervention during the time of pre-professional practices.
This document discloses the skills developed as part of the graduate profile of the PUCP degree, whose main objective is to describe the learning achievements achieved in the professional skills of intervening and evaluating in the period of pre-professional practices carried out in a College. Private Metropolitan Lima. The area where I developed was "Individual Support" whose purpose is to optimize the learning strategies of students who need it to acquire the skills proposed by the institution above. In this sense, responding to the diagnostic competence, they applied observations to obtain information on the academic and behavioral part of the students. Regarding intervention competence, workshops were held to provide support in the area of basic skills for learning and academic organization. In relation to the competence evaluated, it focused on what was done to evaluate the intervention during the time of pre-professional practices.
Formación profesional, Perfil de egreso, Psicología--Investigaciones--Metodología, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Educación
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