Plan financiero para InRetail Perú Corp.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo identificar los principales drivers de valor de
InRetail, así como las sinergias generadas entre sus unidades de negocio como parte de su
estrategia corporativa. A partir de ello, se desarrolló un plan financiero para la compañía que
permita obtener el capital necesario para continuar con el crecimiento orgánico del negocio,
mejorar las condiciones de financiamiento de InRetail en el mediano plazo e incrementar la
rentabilidad del accionista.
Para determinar el rango de valor de la compañía, se utilizaron las metodologías de
flujos de caja descontados y múltiplos comparables, que fueron aplicadas a cada uno de los
segmentos de negocios: farmacias, supermercados y centros comerciales. Asimismo, las
alternativas de financiamiento propuestas para el grupo se desarrollan sobre la base del
análisis de estructura óptima de capital y la descomposición del retorno sobre patrimonio
(ROE) mediante el análisis Dupont.
Como resultado, se obtuvo que el valor hallado para la compañía se encontraría 13%
por debajo de su cotización actual, encontrando que la mejora de la operatividad de
supermercados sería un elemento clave para incrementar el valor de InRetail. Así, el negocio
de supermercados debería mantener su margen neto por encima de 1% para incrementar el
ROE a niveles mayores a 6%. En línea con ello, la alternativa de financiamiento propuesta
opta por la rentabilización de la operación actual de Supermercados Peruanos S.A.,
retrasando su ritmo de inversiones para obtener un incremento de 73% en el flujo de caja del
accionista entre los escenarios evaluados
This thesis aims to identify the key value drivers of InRetail and the synergies between its business units as part of its corporate strategy. On this basis, a financial plan for the company was developed, in order to obtain the funds needed to secure operations expansion, improve credit conditions in the medium term and increase shareholder profitability. To come down to a valuation range for the firm, the study uses Discounted Cash Flow and Relative Valuation models for its three business segments: Drugstores, Supermarkets and Shopping Malls. In addition, financing alternatives were developed on the basis of optimal capital structure analysis and performance analysis using Dupont method. As result, fair value of InRetail is under its current market capitalization by 13%, finding that an improvement of supermarkets operating performance would be the key to ramp up the company´s valuation. In that context, supermarkets business segment should maintain its net margin above 1% to increase its return on equity above 6%. The financial plan developed chases the profitability of the current operation of Supermercados Peruanos S.A., delaying its investments, to obtain an increase of 73% on Free Cash Flow to Equity between the analyzed scenarios
This thesis aims to identify the key value drivers of InRetail and the synergies between its business units as part of its corporate strategy. On this basis, a financial plan for the company was developed, in order to obtain the funds needed to secure operations expansion, improve credit conditions in the medium term and increase shareholder profitability. To come down to a valuation range for the firm, the study uses Discounted Cash Flow and Relative Valuation models for its three business segments: Drugstores, Supermarkets and Shopping Malls. In addition, financing alternatives were developed on the basis of optimal capital structure analysis and performance analysis using Dupont method. As result, fair value of InRetail is under its current market capitalization by 13%, finding that an improvement of supermarkets operating performance would be the key to ramp up the company´s valuation. In that context, supermarkets business segment should maintain its net margin above 1% to increase its return on equity above 6%. The financial plan developed chases the profitability of the current operation of Supermercados Peruanos S.A., delaying its investments, to obtain an increase of 73% on Free Cash Flow to Equity between the analyzed scenarios
Planificación financiera, Planificación estratégica
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