Características de las relaciones interpersonales entre docentes y estudiantes dentro de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje en el 2do Grado de educación primaria de un colegio privado de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación se sitúa dentro de la crisis sanitaria provocada por el
COVID-19 como una respuesta a la descripción de cómo se dan las relaciones
interpersonales dentro de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. La educación en
este tiempo se vio trasladada forzosamente a la virtualidad y aquellas personas que
ejercen la pedagogía se vieron en la necesidad de poder establecer mejores
relaciones interpersonales a través de estos nuevos entornos. Es por eso, que el
objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las relaciones interpersonales entre
docentes y estudiantes del segundo grado de primaria en entornos virtuales de
aprendizaje en un colegio privado de Lima. Todo ello, para poder abrir espacios a
nuevas reflexiones acerca de cómo se trabajan las diferentes dimensiones de las
relaciones en estos entornos. Como objetivo general describiremos las relaciones
que se dan en estos entornos virtuales y caracterizaremos el uso que le dan los
docentes a las herramientas, dentro de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. Para
esta investigación se consideró el estudio de caso y open coding a través del uso de
entrevistas a tres docentes de la institución educativa. Además, se identificó, que las
interacciones más resaltantes son las del docente hacia el estudiante, las cuales
contribuyen con un aprendizaje de tipo cognitivo y que los docentes hacen uso de
estas herramientas adecuándolas a su modo de enseñanza y desarrollando una
This research is situated within the health crisis caused by COVID-19 as a response to the description of how interpersonal relationships occur within virtual learning environments. Education at this time was forcibly transferred to virtuality and those who practice pedagogy find themselves in need of being able to establish better interpersonal relationships through these new environments. That is why the objective of this research is to analyze the interpersonal relationships between teachers and students of the second grade of primary school within virtual learning environments in a private school in Lima. This is developing to be able to open spaces to new reflections about how the different dimensions of relationships are worked in. Disaggregating the general objective, we will describe the relationships that occur in these virtual environments and we will characterize the use that teachers give to the tools within virtual learning environments. For this research, the case study and open coding are used through interviews with 3 teachers from the collaborating institution. Finally, it is observed as a result of this research that interpersonal relationships have been conditioned by the virtual environment, they are developed satisfactorily thanks to empathy, that the most outstanding interactions are those between the teacher and the student and these contribute to cognitive learning and that teachers make use of these tools, adapting them to their teaching mode, developing autonomy.
This research is situated within the health crisis caused by COVID-19 as a response to the description of how interpersonal relationships occur within virtual learning environments. Education at this time was forcibly transferred to virtuality and those who practice pedagogy find themselves in need of being able to establish better interpersonal relationships through these new environments. That is why the objective of this research is to analyze the interpersonal relationships between teachers and students of the second grade of primary school within virtual learning environments in a private school in Lima. This is developing to be able to open spaces to new reflections about how the different dimensions of relationships are worked in. Disaggregating the general objective, we will describe the relationships that occur in these virtual environments and we will characterize the use that teachers give to the tools within virtual learning environments. For this research, the case study and open coding are used through interviews with 3 teachers from the collaborating institution. Finally, it is observed as a result of this research that interpersonal relationships have been conditioned by the virtual environment, they are developed satisfactorily thanks to empathy, that the most outstanding interactions are those between the teacher and the student and these contribute to cognitive learning and that teachers make use of these tools, adapting them to their teaching mode, developing autonomy.
Aprendizaje (Educación), Educación virtual, Personal docente--Capacitación, Relaciones interpersonales, Educación primaria--Perú--Lima
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