Competencias profesionales del profesor universitario para la dirección de tesis en programas de maestrías profesionalizantes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación aborda las competencias profesionales para la dirección de tesis desde
el enfoque de gestión por competencias, en articulación con la perspectiva de formación
para la investigación, orientada por las siguientes preguntas: ¿cuáles son las competencias
profesionales para asumir la dirección de tesis en programas de maestrías en educación
profesionalizantes de una universidad privada de Lima desde la percepción de los
profesores del posgrado?, ¿cómo implementan los profesores universitarios sus
competencias profesionales para la dirección de tesis en programas de maestría en
educación profesionalizantes? y ¿qué condiciones institucionales promueven u
obstaculizan las competencias profesionales para la dirección de tesis de los profesores
universitarios que realizan dicha función en programas de maestría en educación
profesionalizantes? El objetivo general es develar las competencias profesionales que
pone en acción el profesor universitario al asumir la función de director de tesis en
programas de maestría en educación profesionalizante, así como las condiciones
institucionales que las posibilitan o afectan.
Es un estudio de casos instrumental múltiple cualitativo e interpretativo. Las técnicas de
recojo de información fueron la entrevista, el análisis de documentos y la encuesta. Su
análisis implicó triangulación de fuentes y reducción de datos. Los resultados evidencian
condiciones institucionales de la Escuela de Posgrado y de los programas de carácter
normativo centradas en la concreción de la tesis. Desde la perspectiva constructivista, se
devela que las competencias profesionales para la dirección de tesis se definen y
reconstruyen en la misma experiencia de los asesores, desde las tareas y funciones que se
reconocen, y son dinámicas y flexibles. Prevalecen en ellos las referidas al saber
disciplinar; pues procuran, principalmente, habilidades investigativas para la
construcción conceptual y, en menor grado, habilidades para comunicarse. Es
responsabilidad de los programas gestionarlas cuidando la selección, capacitación y
formación de los directores de tesis.
This research addresses the professional competencies for thesis supervision from the competency management approach, in conjunction with the research training perspective, guided by the following questions: What are the professional competencies to assume the thesis supervision in programs of master's degrees in professionalizing education from a private university in Lima from the perception of graduate professors? How do university professors implement their professional competencies for thesis supervision in master's programs in professionalizing education? And what institutional conditions promote or hinder the professional competencies for thesis supervision of university professors who perform this function in master's programs in professional education? The general objective is to reveal the professional competences that the university professor puts into action when assuming the role of thesis director in master's programs in professionalizing education, as well as the institutional conditions that enable or affect them. It is a qualitative and interpretive multiple instrumental case study. The information gathering techniques were the interview, the document analysis and the survey. Their analysis involved source triangulation and data reduction. The results show institutional conditions of the Postgraduate School and of the normative programs focused on the realization of the thesis. From the constructivist perspective, it is revealed that the professional competences for thesis supervision are defined and reconstructed in the same experience of the advisers, from the tasks and functions that are recognized, and are dynamic and flexible. Those referring to disciplinary know-how prevail in them; as they mainly seek research skills for conceptual construction and, to a lesser degree, communication skills. It is the responsibility of the programs to manage them, taking care of the selection, training and education of thesis supervisors.
This research addresses the professional competencies for thesis supervision from the competency management approach, in conjunction with the research training perspective, guided by the following questions: What are the professional competencies to assume the thesis supervision in programs of master's degrees in professionalizing education from a private university in Lima from the perception of graduate professors? How do university professors implement their professional competencies for thesis supervision in master's programs in professionalizing education? And what institutional conditions promote or hinder the professional competencies for thesis supervision of university professors who perform this function in master's programs in professional education? The general objective is to reveal the professional competences that the university professor puts into action when assuming the role of thesis director in master's programs in professionalizing education, as well as the institutional conditions that enable or affect them. It is a qualitative and interpretive multiple instrumental case study. The information gathering techniques were the interview, the document analysis and the survey. Their analysis involved source triangulation and data reduction. The results show institutional conditions of the Postgraduate School and of the normative programs focused on the realization of the thesis. From the constructivist perspective, it is revealed that the professional competences for thesis supervision are defined and reconstructed in the same experience of the advisers, from the tasks and functions that are recognized, and are dynamic and flexible. Those referring to disciplinary know-how prevail in them; as they mainly seek research skills for conceptual construction and, to a lesser degree, communication skills. It is the responsibility of the programs to manage them, taking care of the selection, training and education of thesis supervisors.
Personal docente--Capacitación, Educación superior--Investigaciones, Educación superior--Estudio y enseñanza, Formación profesional de maestros