Uso de las Guías de actividades de la Plataforma Aprendo en casa Web para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura en la modalidad a distancia en un aula de primer grado de un colegio público de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En este periodo de educación a distancia, se presenta la oportunidad para
conocer cómo se desarrolla la enseñanza del área de Comunicación, en
particular de la lectoescritura, a partir del uso de recursos digitales presentes en
la Plataforma de Aprendo en casa Web como las Guías de actividades. En este
sentido, el estudio tiene como objetivo general, analizar el uso de las Guías de
actividades de Aprendo en casa Web para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura en
la modalidad a distancia en un aula de primer grado de un colegio público de
Lima. Por lo tanto, la investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo, de nivel
descriptivo y se sustenta en el método de estudio de caso. Se tiene como
informante a una docente. A partir de los resultados obtenidos a través de una
entrevista y tres observaciones, se concluye que existe una implementación
reflexiva de las Guías de actividades, las cuales se adaptan para sesiones de
clase vía WhatsApp y Zoom. Sin embargo, esto implica un gran reto, puesto que
se deben integrar recursos educativos para la consecución de logros
comunicativos desde un Enfoque comunicativo, entre los cuales están las TIC.
Asimismo, el desarrollar las prácticas pedagógicas implica manejar medios de
comunicación e interacción.
During this period of distance learning, it is appropriated to know how teaching is being developed in the literature subject by focusing on literacy and taking into account the digital resources such as tasks guides on the web page “Aprendo en Casa”. In that way, the general objective of the study is to analyze the utilization of the tasks guides found on the “Aprendo en Casa” web page for teaching literacy in distance learning mode in a 1st-grade classroom at a public school in Lima. Therefore, this research has a qualitative approach, descriptive level supported by the case study method, with a teacher as an informant. As from obtained results through an interview and three observations, the conclusion is that there is a reflective implementation of the tasks guides, which are adapted for class sessions through WhatsApp and Zoom. However, this fact implies a big challenge, since educational resources must be integrated for the accomplishment of communication objectives from a communicative approach, ICTs, for instance. In this manner, developing pedagogical practices involves managing communication and interaction media.
During this period of distance learning, it is appropriated to know how teaching is being developed in the literature subject by focusing on literacy and taking into account the digital resources such as tasks guides on the web page “Aprendo en Casa”. In that way, the general objective of the study is to analyze the utilization of the tasks guides found on the “Aprendo en Casa” web page for teaching literacy in distance learning mode in a 1st-grade classroom at a public school in Lima. Therefore, this research has a qualitative approach, descriptive level supported by the case study method, with a teacher as an informant. As from obtained results through an interview and three observations, the conclusion is that there is a reflective implementation of the tasks guides, which are adapted for class sessions through WhatsApp and Zoom. However, this fact implies a big challenge, since educational resources must be integrated for the accomplishment of communication objectives from a communicative approach, ICTs, for instance. In this manner, developing pedagogical practices involves managing communication and interaction media.
Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Escritura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Educación primaria--Perú--Lima, Educación a distancia--Perú
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