Casa Tomada: Derivas entre la memoria, la materia y el habitar
Morales Gutiérrez, María José
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación ha sido desarrollada en base al proyecto artístico Casa Tomada, gestado
a inicios de la emergencia sanitara por la Covid-19 en el año 2020. A partir de la intercambiabilidad
y el diálogo continuo entre la escultura, la fotografía y el grabado principalmente, esta propone
indagar la arquitectura doméstica como lugar-archivo, palimpsesto de memoria que abriga
y revela las huellas del habitar. Asimismo, plantea la relación casa-cámara-caja negra como forma
de estudiar la casa a modo de contenedor de vida y memoria, creando un desplazamiento de la
escultura hacia un terreno híbrido experimental donde convergen la materia, la luz y la magia.
Mediante cartografías arqueológico-poéticas, derivas, procesos analógicos y la creación de tecnologías
auto-fabricadas de exploración sensorial, la presente investigación-creación reflexiona
acerca de la metodología de trabajo generada desde el confinamiento y las posibilidades que
surgen para el desarrollo de la práctica artística dentro de esta nueva normalidad.
This research has been developed based on the artistic project Casa Tomada, created at the beginning of the Covid-19 sanitary emergency in 2020. Mainly based on the interchangeability and continuous dialogue between sculpture, photography and engraving, it proposes to investigate the domestic architecture as a place-archive, palimpsest of memory that preserves and reveals the traces of inhabiting. It also proposes the relationship house-camera-black box as a way of studying the house as a container of life and memory, creating a displacement of sculpture towards an experimental hybrid terrain where matter, light and magic converge. Through archaeological- poetic cartographies, drifts, analogical processes and the creation of self-fabricated technologies of sensorial exploration, this research-creation reflects about the methodology of work generated from the confinement and the possibilities that arise for the development of artistic practice within this new normality.
This research has been developed based on the artistic project Casa Tomada, created at the beginning of the Covid-19 sanitary emergency in 2020. Mainly based on the interchangeability and continuous dialogue between sculpture, photography and engraving, it proposes to investigate the domestic architecture as a place-archive, palimpsest of memory that preserves and reveals the traces of inhabiting. It also proposes the relationship house-camera-black box as a way of studying the house as a container of life and memory, creating a displacement of sculpture towards an experimental hybrid terrain where matter, light and magic converge. Through archaeological- poetic cartographies, drifts, analogical processes and the creation of self-fabricated technologies of sensorial exploration, this research-creation reflects about the methodology of work generated from the confinement and the possibilities that arise for the development of artistic practice within this new normality.
Escultura, Espacios domésticos, Arquitectura doméstica, Fotografía, Grabado, Arte--Aspectos sociales
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