¿Más Estado o más mercado?: la crisis del sector inmobiliario de consumo en el Perú por la inclusión de cláusulas abusivas en los contratos inmobiliarios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el mercado masivo de bienes y servicios, la agilidad y automatización es un
elemento clave que permite a los comercios vender más en el menor tiempo
posible. La concepción clásica del contrato en la que el acuerdo de voluntades
es, en la mayoría de los casos, el resultado de una etapa de negociación previa
ha quedado desfasada por un acuerdo que se perfecciona con la adhesión de
una de las partes al programa contractual fijado por su contraparte. Sin embargo,
cuando este acuerdo se produce en el marco de una relación de consumo, existe
el riesgo de que el predisponente se aproveche de su condición privilegiada para
incluir cláusulas cuyas prestaciones u obligaciones resulten demasiado gravosas
para el adherente. Esta problemática resulta particularmente grave cuando los
bienes o servicios materia de transacción son aquellos indispensables para el
bienestar del ciudadano, como lo es la vivienda. El presente artículo tiene por
objetivo evidenciar la crisis actual del sector inmobiliario en el mercado de
consumo, a fin de esbozar algunas propuestas de solución que podrían contribuir
a frenar el abuso desmedido de muchos de los proveedores inmobiliarios en el
In the mass market of goods and services, agility and automation is a key element that allows retailers to sell more in the shortest time possible. The classic conception of the contract in which the agreement of wills is, in most cases, the result of a prior negotiation stage has been superseded by an agreement that is formalized by the adherence of one of the parties to the contractual program set by the other party. However, when this agreement takes place within the context of a consumer relationship, there is a risk that the supplier may take advantage of its privileged status to include clauses containing obligations that are too burdensome for the customer. This problem is particularly serious when the goods or services involved in the transaction are those indispensable for the well being of the citizen, such as housing. The purpose of this article is to evidence the current crisis of the real estate industry in the consumer market, in order to outline some proposed solutions that could contribute to stop the excessive abuse of many of the real estate providers in Peru.
In the mass market of goods and services, agility and automation is a key element that allows retailers to sell more in the shortest time possible. The classic conception of the contract in which the agreement of wills is, in most cases, the result of a prior negotiation stage has been superseded by an agreement that is formalized by the adherence of one of the parties to the contractual program set by the other party. However, when this agreement takes place within the context of a consumer relationship, there is a risk that the supplier may take advantage of its privileged status to include clauses containing obligations that are too burdensome for the customer. This problem is particularly serious when the goods or services involved in the transaction are those indispensable for the well being of the citizen, such as housing. The purpose of this article is to evidence the current crisis of the real estate industry in the consumer market, in order to outline some proposed solutions that could contribute to stop the excessive abuse of many of the real estate providers in Peru.
Protección del consumidor--Perú, Compraventa--Perú, Cláusulas (Derecho)
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