Análisis y recomendaciones al componente comunicacional de la política de donación y trasplante de órganos en el Perú período 2014 - 2015
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis Análisis y recomendaciones al componente
comunicacional de la política de donación y trasplante de órganos en el
Perú, tiene como objetivo principal examinar los elementos de la estrategia
de comunicación de la Política de Donación y Trasplante de Órganos en el
Perú, a fin de proponer mejoras a partir del análisis de las diferentes
acciones de comunicación realizadas por la Organización Nacional de
Donación y Trasplante (ONDT) y otros organismos ejecutores de la política,
en el período 2014-2015.
La investigación se realizó a manera de diagnóstico de carácter cualitativo,
teniendo como unidad de análisis la estrategia de comunicación de la ONDT
con relación a su diseño, implementación y monitoreo. Los principales
informantes han sido jóvenes universitarios por su calidad de posibles
donantes, funcionarios de las entidades ejecutoras (ONDT, MINSA, Reniec,
EsSalud), pacientes trasplantados, familiares de donantes y empresarios del
sector privado para medir el interés de este sector en promover esta política.
El estudio proporciona un panorama más claro de la capacidad de liderazgo
y acciones financieras, humanas y técnicas de la ONDT, de su autonomía y
poder de decisión, así como de su posición dentro de la agenda sectorial, en
especial en el marco de la política de la Reforma de Salud, factores que
determinaron el grado de eficacia y eficiencia de la política pública.
Esta investigación aporta también a la definición de variables e indicadores,
elementos que no fueron considerados en el diseño de la estrategia
comunicacional y que repercutieron en el bajo impacto de la Política de
Donación de Órganos. Estos constituyen, referentes valiosos para elaborar
un perfil del donante voluntario y de otras poblaciones objetivo
(profesionales de salud, familiares).
Los resultados alcanzados a través del estudio arriban a conclusiones que
permiten proponer mejoras al componente comunicacional y su estrategia
para facilitar el logro de los objetivos para los cuales fue creada la ONDT.
The main objective of the thesis “Analysis and recommendations for the communicational component of the organ donation and transplantation policy in Peru” is to examine the elements of the communication strategy of the Policy of Organ Donation and Transplantation in Peru, and the actions performed by the National Organization of Donation and Transplantation (ONDT) and other bodies executing the policy in the 2014-2015 period; in order to propose improvements in the communicational strategy. A qualitative research was performed in university students, to analyze the design, implementation, and monitoring of the communication strategy of the ONDT. The population included university students, because of their potential as donors; public servants working for the ONDT, and other executing bodies like the (Ministry of Health (MOH), National Registry of Identification and Marital Status (Reniec), and Social Health Insurance (EsSalud). Because of their importance, transplanted patients and donors’ families were also interviewed. In order to measure the interest of the private sector in the promotion of this policy, a business man was also included in the research. The study provides a clear picture of the leadership and the financial, human, and technical ability of the ONDT; its autonomy and power of decision making, as well as its position within the agenda of the sector; especially in the context of the Health Reform. All those factors determined the level of efficacy and efficiency of the public policy. This research also contributes to the definition of variables and indicators, which, were not considered in the communication strategy design, and had an effect on the low impact of the organ donation policy. Those variables are relevant to develop a profile of volunteer donor and other target populations (healthcare professionals, relatives). The conclusións reached from the results obtained of the analysis, allows us to propose improvements to the communicational component of the policy and its strategy in order to achieve the objectives of the creation of the ONDT.
The main objective of the thesis “Analysis and recommendations for the communicational component of the organ donation and transplantation policy in Peru” is to examine the elements of the communication strategy of the Policy of Organ Donation and Transplantation in Peru, and the actions performed by the National Organization of Donation and Transplantation (ONDT) and other bodies executing the policy in the 2014-2015 period; in order to propose improvements in the communicational strategy. A qualitative research was performed in university students, to analyze the design, implementation, and monitoring of the communication strategy of the ONDT. The population included university students, because of their potential as donors; public servants working for the ONDT, and other executing bodies like the (Ministry of Health (MOH), National Registry of Identification and Marital Status (Reniec), and Social Health Insurance (EsSalud). Because of their importance, transplanted patients and donors’ families were also interviewed. In order to measure the interest of the private sector in the promotion of this policy, a business man was also included in the research. The study provides a clear picture of the leadership and the financial, human, and technical ability of the ONDT; its autonomy and power of decision making, as well as its position within the agenda of the sector; especially in the context of the Health Reform. All those factors determined the level of efficacy and efficiency of the public policy. This research also contributes to the definition of variables and indicators, which, were not considered in the communication strategy design, and had an effect on the low impact of the organ donation policy. Those variables are relevant to develop a profile of volunteer donor and other target populations (healthcare professionals, relatives). The conclusións reached from the results obtained of the analysis, allows us to propose improvements to the communicational component of the policy and its strategy in order to achieve the objectives of the creation of the ONDT.
Comunicación en salud, Salud pública--Comunicación, Donación de órganos, tejidos, etc., Trasplantes de órganos, tejidos, etc., Promoción de la salud--Perú
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