Maximización en la recuperación de pilares con sistema Wassara en método de minado de taladros largos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta presente investigación tiene por finalidad de maximizar la recuperación de pilares
dejados post minado de tajeos primarios mediante la aplicación de un equipo de perforación
con sistema Wassara, que consta de un martillo de fondo propulsado solo con agua y que ofrece
mayor longitud y de diámetro de perforación, y menor grado de desviación. De acuerdo con la
metodología, esta investigación es del tipo aplicada, enfoque cuantitativo, con un diseño
preexperimental y nivel explicativo. En cuanto a resultados se compara un equipo de
perforación Jumbo XDTH55UFDR, con un costo unitario de perforación de 41.30 US$/m,
costos de perforación de 3.75 US$/t, costo minado de 49.53 US$/t, obteniéndose una
recuperación de pilares de 80%, incrementando en 50%, en comparación a la recuperación de
pilares de 30% con el Simba 1254; de tal manera, que el diseño de la malla de perforación
contempla como parámetros un burden de 2.5 m y un espaciamiento de 2.5 m, longitud máxima
de taladros de 80 m y diámetro de perforación de 100 mm, mayor al diámetro de 89 mm del
Simba 1254; finalmente con respecto al análisis granulométrico en la voladura, se obtiene un
porcentaje pasante P80 de 8.03, teniendo una reducción de 0.23 pulgadas. Concluyendo que
con la aplicación del jumbo XDTH55UFDR con sistema Wassara, que tiene mayor longitud y
diámetro de perforación en comparación a el Simba 1254, se logra perforar taladros de hasta
80 m de longitud con una desviación del 2.5% y ampliar la malla de perforación de 1.7 x 1.7 a
2.5 x 2.5, por ende, se aumenta en 50% la recuperación de pilares con leyes mayores a 2.2%
The purpose of this present investigation is to maximize the recovery of post-mining pillars from primary stopes through the application of drilling equipment with the Wassara system, which consists of a down-the-hole hammer propelled only with water and that offers greater length and diameter of perforation, and less degree of deviation. According to the methodology, this research is of the applied type, quantitative approach, with a preexperimental design and explanatory level. In terms of results, a Jumbo XDTH55UFDR drilling rig is compared, with a unit drilling cost of US$41.30/m, drilling costs of US$3.75/t, mining cost of US$49.53/t, which a pillar recovery of 80% is obtained, increasing by 50%, compared to the pillar recovery of 30% with the Simba 1254; in such a way, that the design of the drilling mesh contemplated as parameters a burden of 2.5 m and a spacing of 2.5 m, a maximum length of drills of 80 m and a drilling diameter of 100 mm, greater than the diameter of 89 mm of the Simba 1254; Finally, with respect to the granulometric analysis in the blasting, a P80 passing percentage of 8.03 was obtained, having a reduction of 0.23 inches. Concluding that with the application of the XDTH55UFDR jumbo with the Wassara system, which has a greater length and drilling diameter compared to the Simba 1254, it is possible to drill holes of up to 80 m in length with a deviation of 2.5% and expand the drilling mesh of 1.7 x 1.7 to 2.5 x 2.5, therefore, increasing the recovery of pillars with grades greater than 2.2% Cu by 50%.
The purpose of this present investigation is to maximize the recovery of post-mining pillars from primary stopes through the application of drilling equipment with the Wassara system, which consists of a down-the-hole hammer propelled only with water and that offers greater length and diameter of perforation, and less degree of deviation. According to the methodology, this research is of the applied type, quantitative approach, with a preexperimental design and explanatory level. In terms of results, a Jumbo XDTH55UFDR drilling rig is compared, with a unit drilling cost of US$41.30/m, drilling costs of US$3.75/t, mining cost of US$49.53/t, which a pillar recovery of 80% is obtained, increasing by 50%, compared to the pillar recovery of 30% with the Simba 1254; in such a way, that the design of the drilling mesh contemplated as parameters a burden of 2.5 m and a spacing of 2.5 m, a maximum length of drills of 80 m and a drilling diameter of 100 mm, greater than the diameter of 89 mm of the Simba 1254; Finally, with respect to the granulometric analysis in the blasting, a P80 passing percentage of 8.03 was obtained, having a reduction of 0.23 inches. Concluding that with the application of the XDTH55UFDR jumbo with the Wassara system, which has a greater length and drilling diameter compared to the Simba 1254, it is possible to drill holes of up to 80 m in length with a deviation of 2.5% and expand the drilling mesh of 1.7 x 1.7 to 2.5 x 2.5, therefore, increasing the recovery of pillars with grades greater than 2.2% Cu by 50%.
Taladros, Industria minera, Ingeniería de minas--Perú, Perforación