El uso de la anatomía experiencial y el trazo como medios para estudiar la estructura y postura del cuerpo en un laboratorio de movimiento
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación aborda en cómo el uso de la anatomía experiencial y el trazo
funcionan como medios para estudiar la estructura y postura del cuerpo de la investigadora.
Para ello, se elabora un laboratorio de movimiento, el cual tiene una duración de treinta días,
es de frecuencia diaria y tiene una división de cuatro etapas: reconociéndome, redes
conectivas, reconociéndome en el exterior, reconectando las necesidades corporales. Cada
una de ellas engloba una filosofía distinta y responde a objetivos específicos que, en
conjunto, ayudarán a responder la pregunta principal de esta investigación. La primera etapa
tiene como objetivo principal reconocer la estructura del cuerpo teniendo en cuenta
principalmente la estructura ósea y muscular, la segunda tiene como objetivo reconocer cómo
se conecta la estructura, la tercera tiene como objetivo contactar a la estructura con
superficies/elementos de distintas calidades teniendo en cuenta cómo se adapta para
relacionarse con estas, la cuarta tiene como objetivo expandir la práctica a las necesidades de
mi cuerpo teniendo en cuenta mi quehacer como estudiante de danza actualmente. La tesis
cuenta con una página web, la cual contiene las descripciones de cómo se abordaron las
sesiones, adicionalmente se podrán observar los trazos y las reflexiones generales. Esto con
el fin de expandir la investigación. Al finalizar el laboratorio se afirma que la anatomía
experiencial y el trazo funcionan como un punto de partida para estudiar la estructura y
postura del cuerpo, asimismo, los conceptos de estos dos últimos ayudan a que se genere un
ambiente reflexivo en el cual aparecen nuevos cuestionamientos sobre la estructura, sus
hábitos, estímulos externos e internos y la interrelación entre ellos. Finalmente, en el período
de la redacción de la tesis surge un cuestionamiento sobre la forma limitada que tiene de
presentarse una investigación desde la práctica.
The present investigation addresses how the use of experiential anatomy and the draw function as means to study the structure and posture of the researcher's body. For this, a movement laboratory is developed, which lasts thirty days, is daily in frequency and has a division of four stages: recognizing myself, connecting networks, recognizing myself on the outside, reconnecting the bodily needs. Each of them encompasses a different philosophy and responds to specific objectives that, together, will help answer the main question of this research. The first stage has the main objective of recognizing the structure of the body, taking into account mainly the bone and muscle structure, the second one aims to recognize how the structure is connected, the third one aims to contact the structure with surfaces / elements of different qualities taking into account how it adapts to relate to these, the fourth aims to expand the practice to the needs of my body taking into account my work as a dance student today. The thesis has a web page, which contains the descriptions of how the sessions were approached, additionally it will be possible to observe the drawings and general reflections. This to expand the investigation. At the end of the laboratory, it is affirmed that the experiential anatomy and the draw work as a starting point to study the structure and posture of the body, also, the concepts of the latter two help to generate a reflective environment in which new questions appear on the structure, its habits, external and internal stimuli, and the interrelation between them. Finally, in the period of writing the thesis, a question arises about the limited way that an investigation must be presented from practice.
The present investigation addresses how the use of experiential anatomy and the draw function as means to study the structure and posture of the researcher's body. For this, a movement laboratory is developed, which lasts thirty days, is daily in frequency and has a division of four stages: recognizing myself, connecting networks, recognizing myself on the outside, reconnecting the bodily needs. Each of them encompasses a different philosophy and responds to specific objectives that, together, will help answer the main question of this research. The first stage has the main objective of recognizing the structure of the body, taking into account mainly the bone and muscle structure, the second one aims to recognize how the structure is connected, the third one aims to contact the structure with surfaces / elements of different qualities taking into account how it adapts to relate to these, the fourth aims to expand the practice to the needs of my body taking into account my work as a dance student today. The thesis has a web page, which contains the descriptions of how the sessions were approached, additionally it will be possible to observe the drawings and general reflections. This to expand the investigation. At the end of the laboratory, it is affirmed that the experiential anatomy and the draw work as a starting point to study the structure and posture of the body, also, the concepts of the latter two help to generate a reflective environment in which new questions appear on the structure, its habits, external and internal stimuli, and the interrelation between them. Finally, in the period of writing the thesis, a question arises about the limited way that an investigation must be presented from practice.
Danza contemporánea--Metodología, Expresión corporal--Metodología, Danza--Estudio y enseñanza, Danza--Aspectos fisiológicos
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