Relación de la seguridad del apego con la competencia social y los problemas de conducta en preescolares
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo central establecer la relación entre la seguridad del apego
con la competencia social y con los problemas de conducta en niños preescolares de nivel
socioeconómico bajo. Como objetivos específicos se busca establecer la relación entre seguridad
del apego con la edad de la madre y la comparación de la competencia social y los problemas de
conducta a partir del sexo del niño. Para este propósito se evaluó a 32 diadas de madres e hijos. Las
madres tenían una edad que oscilaba entre los 22 y los 42 años (M = 28.38, DE = 5.35) y sus hijos
entre 3 y 5 años (M = 44.94, DE = 7.21). Se utilizó el Attachment Q-Set 3.0 (Waters, 1995)
mediante la observación de la interacción madre e hijo para evaluar la seguridad del apego y el
Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Scale (SCBE) a través del reporte de la madre
(LaFreniere & Dumas, 1996) para la evaluación de la competencia social y los problemas de
conducta. En general, no se encontró una relación entre ambos constructos. Además, en respuesta a
los objetivos específicos, se halló una relación entre la seguridad del apego y la edad de la madre y
no se encontraron diferencias significativas según el sexo del niño entre las sub escalas de la
competencia social y los problemas de conducta. Los resultados justifican la necesidad de continuar
con la investigación del apego y su relación con la competencia social.
This research has as a central objective to establish the relationship between attachment security with social competence and with behavioral problems in preschool children of low socioeconomic level. The specific objectives are to establish the relationship between attachment security with the mother's age and the comparison of social competence and behavioural problems based on the child's sex. For this purpose, 32 days of mothers and children were evaluated. The mothers were between 22 and 42 years old (M = 28.38, SD = 5.35) and their children between 3 and 5 years old (M = 44.94, SD = 7.21). Attachment Q-Set 3.0 (Waters, 1995) was used by observing mother-child interaction to assess attachment security and social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Scale (SCBE) through the mother's report (LaFreniere & Dumas, 1996) for the assessment of social competence and behavior problems. In general, no relationship was found between the two constructs. In addition, in response to specific objectives, a relationship was found between attachment security and the mother's age and no significant differences were found according to the child's sex between the social competence subscales and behavior problems. The results justify the need for further research on attachment and its relationship to social competence.
This research has as a central objective to establish the relationship between attachment security with social competence and with behavioral problems in preschool children of low socioeconomic level. The specific objectives are to establish the relationship between attachment security with the mother's age and the comparison of social competence and behavioural problems based on the child's sex. For this purpose, 32 days of mothers and children were evaluated. The mothers were between 22 and 42 years old (M = 28.38, SD = 5.35) and their children between 3 and 5 years old (M = 44.94, SD = 7.21). Attachment Q-Set 3.0 (Waters, 1995) was used by observing mother-child interaction to assess attachment security and social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Scale (SCBE) through the mother's report (LaFreniere & Dumas, 1996) for the assessment of social competence and behavior problems. In general, no relationship was found between the two constructs. In addition, in response to specific objectives, a relationship was found between attachment security and the mother's age and no significant differences were found according to the child's sex between the social competence subscales and behavior problems. The results justify the need for further research on attachment and its relationship to social competence.
Apego--Investigaciones, Madre e hijo, Trastornos de la conducta infantil, Socialización en niños
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