Aplicación de la lógica del Blockchain frente al ineficiente sistema integrado de gestión de la información del mecanismo de obras por impuesto que genera un Alto índice de Proyectos de Inversión Público (PIP) que no logran concluir el proceso de emisión del certificado CIPRL al 100% en la población del distrito de Echarati, durante el período 2017-2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El presente proyecto de investigación analiza la problemática con respecto a la
ineficiencia en la conclusión de las obras por impuesto en los Proyectos de
Inversión Pública (PIP) por parte de las empresas privadas en la población del
distrito de Echarate. Al respecto, se han identificado la ineficacia en la emisión
del Certificado de Inversión Pública Regional y Local (CIPRL) en el distrito de
Echarate siendo uno de los factores relevantes la falta de capacidad institucional,
la falta de capacidad técnica de los funcionarios, la baja calidad de los servicios
e insatisfacción de la población. Por lo que, en los resultados de la investigación,
se ha encontrado una estrecha relación entre la falta de integración
automatizada de los procesos de registro y procesamiento de información como
una necesidad prioritaria de los actores involucrados y el ineficiente proceso de
emisión del CIPRL en la fase de conclusión de las OXI durante el periodo 2015-
2019, siendo esto una de las principales causas para la implementación de un
sistema integrado de la gestión de procesos, lo mencionado anteriormente, ha
identificado un mayor grado incidencia.
Los actores involucrados en el proceso de emisión del certificado CIPRL
plantean el desarrollo de un prototipo mediante las técnicas del Design Thinking
y la aplicación de la lluvia de ideas.
Se concluye como resultado que la aplicación de la lógica del Blockchain hace
factible la implementación de un aplicativo, según metodología BLOXI. Además,
es factible la ampliación vía facultades legislativas con el fin de simplificar el
proceso. Posterior a ello, la viabilidad del prototipo dependerá principalmente del
presupuesto asignado y la sostenibilidad económica para los diversos rubros y
sectores del Poder Ejecutivo, gobiernos regionales, locales y usuarios finales.
This project analyzes the problem regarding the inefficiency in the conclusion of the works for tax in the Public Investment Projects (PIP) by private companies in the population of the district of Echarati. In this regard, inefficiency in the issuance of the Regional and Local Public Investment Certificate (CIPRL) in the district of Echarate has been identified, one of the relevant factors being the lack of institutional capacity, the lack of technical capacity of officials, the low quality of services and dissatisfaction of the population. There before, in the results of the investigation, a close relationship has been found between the lack of automated integration of the registration processes and information processing as a priority need of the actors involved and the inefficient CIPRL issuance process in the completion phase of the OXI during the 2015-2019 period, this being one of the main causes for the implementation of an integrated process management system, the afore mentioned, has identified a higher degree of incidence. The actors involved in the process of issuing the CIPRL certificate propose the development of a prototype through the techniques of Design Thinking and the application of brainstorming. It is concluded as a result that the application of the Blockchain logic makes the implementation of an application feasible, according to the BLOXI methodology. In addition, expansion viable legislative powers is feasible in order to simplify the process. After that, the viability of the prototype will depend mainly on the allocated budget and economic sustainability for the items and sectors of the Executive Branch, regional and local governments, and end users.
This project analyzes the problem regarding the inefficiency in the conclusion of the works for tax in the Public Investment Projects (PIP) by private companies in the population of the district of Echarati. In this regard, inefficiency in the issuance of the Regional and Local Public Investment Certificate (CIPRL) in the district of Echarate has been identified, one of the relevant factors being the lack of institutional capacity, the lack of technical capacity of officials, the low quality of services and dissatisfaction of the population. There before, in the results of the investigation, a close relationship has been found between the lack of automated integration of the registration processes and information processing as a priority need of the actors involved and the inefficient CIPRL issuance process in the completion phase of the OXI during the 2015-2019 period, this being one of the main causes for the implementation of an integrated process management system, the afore mentioned, has identified a higher degree of incidence. The actors involved in the process of issuing the CIPRL certificate propose the development of a prototype through the techniques of Design Thinking and the application of brainstorming. It is concluded as a result that the application of the Blockchain logic makes the implementation of an application feasible, according to the BLOXI methodology. In addition, expansion viable legislative powers is feasible in order to simplify the process. After that, the viability of the prototype will depend mainly on the allocated budget and economic sustainability for the items and sectors of the Executive Branch, regional and local governments, and end users.
Inversiones públicas--Perú--Echarate (Cuzco : Distrito), Empresas privadas--Perú--Echarate (Cuzco : Distrito), Obras públicas--Perú--Echarate (Cuzco : Distrito)
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