El impacto de los roles de género y de la pornografía en el placer sexual femenino de mujeres jóvenes heterosexuales de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene el objetivo de explorar el impacto de los roles de género y de
la pornografía en las vivencias del placer sexual femenino en mujeres heterosexuales entre 18
y 25 años de Lima Metropolitana. Este estudio cualitativo empleó un enfoque
fenomenológico en las 7 entrevistas semi-estructuradas que se realizaron dirigidas a
responder los siguientes objetivos específicos: (a) Conocer la influencia de los roles de
género en su sexualidad, (b) analizar el impacto de la pornografía y las representaciones de
los órganos sexuales en la noción del placer sexual (a) identificar los significados actuales
que le otorgan al placer sexual. Se obtuvo como resultados cuatro temas que se relacionaron
entre sí: (a) Significados sobre el placer sexual, (b) Construcción de la ignorancia sobre el
placer sexual femenino, (b) Las representaciones de la sexualidad marcadas por la violencia
simbólica y (d) Vivencias del placer sexual atravesadas por los roles de género. De acuerdo
con el análisis, se evidencia que la estructura social patriarcal, sustentada por los mandatos de
género occidentales permeados con la idea del pecado y el castigo social, han propiciado la
omisión del placer sexual, deseo y erotismo de las mujeres. En este contexto, las mujeres
vivencian su sexualidad con miedo, culpa y vergüenza, priorizando el deseo y placer sexual
masculino por sobre el de ellas. Ello se ve reforzado por la carencia de información científica
y contextualizada en espacios cruciales para su desarrollo, como la escuela y la familia. Este
vacío es llenado por representaciones distorsionadas de la sexualidad femenina provenientes
de materiales educativos poco coherentes con la realidad y de la pornografía mainstream.
Ambos elementos, sumados al silencio sobre el placer sexual femenino, conforman una forma
de violencia simbólica que amolda la vinculación de las mujeres con su propio cuerpo y la
interacción sexual con un otro. El acceso a la información, el conocimiento compartido entre
mujeres y el proceso de reflexión a partir del feminismo, conlleva a una mayor consciencia
sobre la importancia de su propio placer sexual, así como a la evolución de los significados
alrededor del mismo. Con esta investigación, se espera visibilizar el valor que tiene una
perspectiva positiva de la sexualidad más allá del riesgo y el tabú, y poner en agenda el
derecho al placer, derecho humano que es excluido del abordaje en la educación sexual
This research aims to explore the impact of gender roles and pornography on the experiences of female sexual pleasure in heterosexual women between 18 and 25 years old in Metropolitan Lima. This qualitative study employed a phenomenological approach in the 7 semi-structured interviews conducted to address the following specific objectives: (a) Explore the influence of gender roles on their sexuality, (b) analyze the impact of pornography and representations of sexual organs on the notion of sexual pleasure, and (c) identify the current meanings attributed to sexual pleasure. Four interconnected themes emerged as results: (a) Meanings about sexual pleasure, (b) Construction of ignorance about female sexual pleasure, (c) Representations of sexuality marked by symbolic violence, and (d) Experiences of sexual pleasure influenced by gender roles. According to the analysis, it is evident that the patriarchal social structure, supported by western gender norms permeated with the idea of sin and social punishment, has led to the omission of women's sexual pleasure, desire, and eroticism. In this context, women experience their sexuality with fear, guilt, and shame, prioritizing male sexual desire and pleasure over their own. This is reinforced by the lack of scientific and contextualized information in crucial spaces for their development, such as schools and families. This void is filled with distorted representations of female sexuality from educational materials that are inconsistent with reality and mainstream pornography. Both elements, combined with the silence surrounding female sexual pleasure, constitute a form of symbolic violence that shapes women's connection with their own bodies and sexual interaction with others. Access to information, shared knowledge among women, and the process of reflection through feminism lead to greater awareness of the importance of their own sexual pleasure and a shift in the meanings surrounding it. With this research, it is expected to highlight the value of a positive perspective on sexuality beyond risk and taboo, and to bring the right to pleasure, a human right excluded from comprehensive sex education to the forefront of the agenda.
This research aims to explore the impact of gender roles and pornography on the experiences of female sexual pleasure in heterosexual women between 18 and 25 years old in Metropolitan Lima. This qualitative study employed a phenomenological approach in the 7 semi-structured interviews conducted to address the following specific objectives: (a) Explore the influence of gender roles on their sexuality, (b) analyze the impact of pornography and representations of sexual organs on the notion of sexual pleasure, and (c) identify the current meanings attributed to sexual pleasure. Four interconnected themes emerged as results: (a) Meanings about sexual pleasure, (b) Construction of ignorance about female sexual pleasure, (c) Representations of sexuality marked by symbolic violence, and (d) Experiences of sexual pleasure influenced by gender roles. According to the analysis, it is evident that the patriarchal social structure, supported by western gender norms permeated with the idea of sin and social punishment, has led to the omission of women's sexual pleasure, desire, and eroticism. In this context, women experience their sexuality with fear, guilt, and shame, prioritizing male sexual desire and pleasure over their own. This is reinforced by the lack of scientific and contextualized information in crucial spaces for their development, such as schools and families. This void is filled with distorted representations of female sexuality from educational materials that are inconsistent with reality and mainstream pornography. Both elements, combined with the silence surrounding female sexual pleasure, constitute a form of symbolic violence that shapes women's connection with their own bodies and sexual interaction with others. Access to information, shared knowledge among women, and the process of reflection through feminism lead to greater awareness of the importance of their own sexual pleasure and a shift in the meanings surrounding it. With this research, it is expected to highlight the value of a positive perspective on sexuality beyond risk and taboo, and to bring the right to pleasure, a human right excluded from comprehensive sex education to the forefront of the agenda.
Pornografía--Aspectos psicológicos, Roles sexuales, Sexualidad--Aspectos psicológicos, Placer, Erotismo
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