Percepciones de estudiantes de sexto de primaria sobre su aprendizaje mediante la metodología del ABP en el contexto de retorno a la presencialidad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) promueve el desarrollo de aprendizajes
contextualizados y funcionales para los estudiantes. Es así como el ABP se presenta
como una metodología viable y efectiva para la consecución de los aprendizajes que
se plantean en el currículo nacional en el contexto de retorno a la presencialidad
luego de 2 años de educación a distancia debido al COVID -19. Con el fin de
reconocer los aprendizajes que los estudiantes desarrollan con esta metodología, se
plantea el objetivo de describir la percepción de los estudiantes sobre sus
aprendizajes en la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en el contexto
de retorno a las clases presenciales. Por consiguiente, se proponen 2 objetivos
específicos. El primero se centra en la percepción de los aprendizajes,
clasificándolos en aprendizajes de contenido conceptual, procedimental y actitudinal.
El segundo objetivo busca describir la percepción de los estudiantes en torno a la
experiencia del ABP y sus principales elementos, como la temática, el producto de
aprendizaje, el trabajo colaborativo y la mediación docente. La investigación tiene un
enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptiva y se aplicó la técnica de la entrevista a 6
estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria de una institución educativa pública. Los
principales hallazgos demuestran que, según la percepción de los estudiantes, el
Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos permite desarrollar en mayor medida aprendizajes
de contenido procedimental y actitudinal. También se reconoce en los estudiantes
una percepción positiva por la metodología del ABP, especialmente ante la temática
y las características del trabajo colaborativo.
Project-based learning promotes the development of contextualised and functional learning for students. For this reason, it is presented as a viable and effective methodology for the achievement of the learning that is proposed in the national curriculum in the context of return to face-to-face classes after 2 years of distance education due to COVID -19. To recognise the learning that students develop in this methodology, the objective is to describe the perception of students about their learning in the Project Based Learning methodology in the return to face-to-face classes context. Therefore, two specific objectives are proposed. The first one focuses on the perception of learning, classified by content into conceptual, procedural and attitudinal learning. The second objective seeks to describe the perception of the students in the PBL experience and its main elements, such as the subject matter, the learning product, collaborative work and teacher mediation. The research has a qualitative approach to the descriptive type and the interview technique was applied to six students in the sixth grade of primary school in a public educational institution. The main findings show that, according to the perception of the students, Project Based Learning mainly encourages the development of learning procedural and attitudinal content. Moreover, students also have a positive perception of the PBL methodology, especially concerning the theme and the characteristics of collaborative work.
Project-based learning promotes the development of contextualised and functional learning for students. For this reason, it is presented as a viable and effective methodology for the achievement of the learning that is proposed in the national curriculum in the context of return to face-to-face classes after 2 years of distance education due to COVID -19. To recognise the learning that students develop in this methodology, the objective is to describe the perception of students about their learning in the Project Based Learning methodology in the return to face-to-face classes context. Therefore, two specific objectives are proposed. The first one focuses on the perception of learning, classified by content into conceptual, procedural and attitudinal learning. The second objective seeks to describe the perception of the students in the PBL experience and its main elements, such as the subject matter, the learning product, collaborative work and teacher mediation. The research has a qualitative approach to the descriptive type and the interview technique was applied to six students in the sixth grade of primary school in a public educational institution. The main findings show that, according to the perception of the students, Project Based Learning mainly encourages the development of learning procedural and attitudinal content. Moreover, students also have a positive perception of the PBL methodology, especially concerning the theme and the characteristics of collaborative work.
Aprendizaje (Educación), Método de proyectos (Educación), Trabajo en grupos (Educación), Educación primaria--Perú
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