Plan financiero empresarial Edelnor S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento examina la situación financiera de Edelnor S. A. A sobre la
base de la información financiera histórica de los últimos diez años, a fin de establecer las
proyecciones estimadas hasta 2025. Se analizó la estructura de capital del sector eléctrico,
la cual se relacionó con la participación del mercado de Edelnor S. A. A.; así, se evidenció
un sólido dominio en la zona norte de Lima.
Adicionalmente, se realizó una valorización de Edelnor, a través del método de flujo
de caja libre proyectada a diez años, es decir, desde año 2016 hasta 2025, con la finalidad de
determinar el valor fundamental de la acción de Edelnor Se encontró que las acciones están
por encima de su valor de mercado.
En la presente investigación se realizaron importantes hallazgos, los cuales motivan
y potencian las propuestas contenidas en este documento. Entre los más importantes se
encuentra la participación en el mercado en la zona norte de Lima es del 99.9%.
Por otro lado, en el presente documento, se estudia la estructura de capital óptimo
que la compañía debería obtener para una mejor rentabilidad. A raíz de este análisis se
sugiere considerar que la empresa estaría en condiciones de emitir acciones hasta alcanzar el
nivel máximo del 53%. Este incremento de capital podría darse de forma paulatina.
Finalmente, se recomienda realizar una inversión importante en la construcción de la
central hidroeléctrica, lo cual mejorará los niveles de rentabilidad para el accionista y, por
consiguiente incrementara el valor de la empresa
This paper examines the financial situation of Edelnor SAA, based on the historical financial information of the last ten years and establish the estimated until 2025. Projections the financial structure of the electricity sector was analyzed and related to market share Edelnor SAA, showing a strong dominance in the north of Lima. In addition, a valuation of Edelnor SAA was performed by the method of free cash flow projected to ten years, i.e. from year 2016 to 2025, in order to determine the fundamental value of the action of Edelnor SAA, we find that stocks are above its market value. This research found significant findings, which motivate and empower the proposals contained in this document, among the most important we can list, market share in the north of Lima in a 99.9% Furthermore, herein, the optimal capital structure is studied that Company should get for better profitability, following this analysis suggests considering that the company would be able to issue shares up to the maximum level of 53% this capital increase could occur gradually. Finally it is recommended to make a significant investment in the construction of the hydroelectric plant, which will improve its profitability for shareholders and thereby improve the valuation for the Company
This paper examines the financial situation of Edelnor SAA, based on the historical financial information of the last ten years and establish the estimated until 2025. Projections the financial structure of the electricity sector was analyzed and related to market share Edelnor SAA, showing a strong dominance in the north of Lima. In addition, a valuation of Edelnor SAA was performed by the method of free cash flow projected to ten years, i.e. from year 2016 to 2025, in order to determine the fundamental value of the action of Edelnor SAA, we find that stocks are above its market value. This research found significant findings, which motivate and empower the proposals contained in this document, among the most important we can list, market share in the north of Lima in a 99.9% Furthermore, herein, the optimal capital structure is studied that Company should get for better profitability, following this analysis suggests considering that the company would be able to issue shares up to the maximum level of 53% this capital increase could occur gradually. Finally it is recommended to make a significant investment in the construction of the hydroelectric plant, which will improve its profitability for shareholders and thereby improve the valuation for the Company
Empresas -- Finanzas, Planificación estratégica
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